University News

03 Feb 2020

на засіданні
13:37 – Nataliia Pavlyshyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Lviv Polytechnic Rector Professor Yurii Bobalo reports on achievements in 2019

31 Jan 2020

Іван Хома
15:13 – According to Radio Svoboda website
Assistant Professor of the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences gave a lecture in Milan on the fate of Italian soldiers in Lviv in 1943

прапор України над будівлею Політехніки
10:17 – According to the YevroOsvita website
In January Webometrics Ranking 2020 Lviv Polytechnic is 8th among Ukrainian higher education institutions

Environmental problems
09:03 – The website Academic Journals and Conferences
New issue of the scientific journal Environmental problems, Volume 4, Number 4, 2019

30 Jan 2020

 зустрічі за проєктом Erasmus+ EDUQAS
15:32 – MIB Department, Lviv Polytechnic
Academics of the Institute of Economics and Management participated in the Erasmus+ EDUQAS project meeting in Kharkiv

учасники зимової англомовної школи
12:30 – FTC Department, Lviv Polytechnic
Another Winter English Camp for University academics at Polytechnic-4 Recreational Camp is finished

Оксана Заліско
10:52 – Natalia Yatsenko, Audytoriya weekly newspaper
Victories at Winter World Masters Games: Polytechnic academic wins rich haul of medals at the Games in Seefeld

Mathematical Modeling and Computing
09:06 – The website Academic Journals and Conferences
New issue of the scientific journal Mathematical Modeling and Computing, Volume 6, Number 2, 2019

29 Jan 2020

Назарій Андрущак виступив у Брюсселі
09:23 – Nataliia Pavlyshyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Head of the Project Office of Lviv Polytechnic speaks at Horizon 2020 Coordinators’ Day in Brussels

27 Jan 2020

учасники семінару
15:51 – International seminar was held at IGD
International seminar on Rethinking Science Education for the Anthropocene was held at IGD

Якоб Дальгоф завітав до Tech StartUp School
13:09 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
A meeting with a representative of Denmark took place at Tech StartUp School of Lviv Polytechnic

24 Jan 2020

діаграма зростання
17:13 – According to MES website
Lviv Polytechnic is among Ukrainian universities with the increased state funding in 2020