University Directory

Name Contact Person Address Phone number (s)
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences Director of Institute: CSc (Philology), Assoc. prof. Zoriana Kunch 5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 211 (032) 258-23-31 (деканат)
(032) 258-23-20
(098) 314 -09-59
(032) 258-23-50 (дирекція)
Department of Social Communication and Information Activities Head of Department: CScTec., Assoc. prof. Oleksandr Markovets 3 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 523 (032) 258-25-95
Department of Philosophy Head of Department: DSc (Philosophy), Assoc. professor, Ihor Karivets 5 Mytropolyta Andreiia St., Building 4, Room 328 (032) 258-26-41
Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities Head of Department: CSc(Pedagogy), Assoc. prof. Oksana Kaminska 55 Bandery St., Building 7, Room 35 (032) 258-22-97
(032) 258-22-27
Department of History, Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Head of Department: CSc(History), Assoc. prof. Ivan Khoma 3 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 202 +38 (032) 258-21-59
Department of Political Science and International Relations Head of Department: DSc (Political science), Prof. Halyna Lutsyshyn 5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 314 +38 (032) 258-21-89
Department of Sociology and Social Work Head of Department: DSc(Pedagogy), Assoc. prof. Liliia Klos 4 Konovaltsia St., Building 29 лаборантська: +38 (032) 258-31-85
зав.кафедри: +38 (032) 258-31-86
Department of Ukrainian Language Head of Department: CSc (Philology), Assoc. prof. Oksana Lytvyn 2/4 Karpinskoho St., Building 1, Room 306 (032) 258-26-75
Department of Physical Education Head of Department: DSc (Pedagogy), Prof. Viktor Koriahin 14 Samchuka St., Building 21 (032) 258-32-90
(032) 258-32-89
Institute of Public Administration, Governance and Professional Development Director of Institute: DSc(Econ)., Рrof. Liubomyr Pylypenko 3 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 10 (032) 258-22-06
(032) 258-22-92
(032) 258-25-80
(098) 399 09 42 (дирекція)
(032) 258-31-67 (дирекція, Брюховичі)
(032) 258-31-70 (дирекція, Брюховичі)
Institute of Architecture and Design Director of Institute: D.Arch, prof. Yurii Dyba 12 Bandery St., Main building, Room 328 (032) 258-22-39
(093) 138-86-42 (дирекція)
Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems Director of Institute: CScTech, Assoc. prof. Petro Kholod 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 223 (032) 258-2761 (дирекція бакалаврату)
(032) 258-2451 (дирекція магістратури)
(032) 258-2650 (приймальна директора інституту)
(098) 314-05-92 (дирекція)
Institute of Geodesy Director of Institute: DScTech., Assoc. prof. Ihor Savchyn 6 Starosolskykh St., Building 2, Rooms 501, 601 (032) 258-27-60 (фахівці дирекції)
(032) 258-22-34 (секретар)
(099) 625-17-53 (дирекція)
Institute of Distance Education Director of Institute: CScTech., Assoc. prof. Dmytro Tarasov 2/4 Starosolskykh St., Building 1, Room 312 (032) 258-25-86
Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems Director of Institute: DScTech., Prof. Andrii Maliar 12 Bandery St., Main building, Room 127 (032) 258-24-68
(098) 399-11-37 (Administration)
Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport Director of Institute: CScTec., Assoc. prof. Roman Kachmar 1 Profesorska St., Building 14, Room 68 (032) 258-24-10
(032) 258-23-81
Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies Director of Institute: DScTech., Prof. Nataliia Shakhovska 28a Bandery St., Building 5, Room 513 (032) 258-26-63 (деканат бакалаврату)
(032) 258-25-46 (деканат магістратури)
(098) 313-71-06 (дирекція)
(032) 258-24-04
Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology Director of Institute: Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Yurii Kostiv 28а Bandery St., Building 5, Room 621 (032) 258-25-59
(032) 258-23-15
(098) 313 75 25 (дирекція)
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences Director of Institute: DSc (Tech), Assoc. prof. Petro Pukach 5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 212a (032) 258-21-34
(032) 258-21-29
(032) 258-21-23
(098) 313 66 79 (dyrektoriat)
Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics Head of Department: Sc.D., Prof. Zhanna Poplavska 5 Metropolian Andrey str., Building 4, Room 502 (032) 258-24-88
Institute of Economics and Management Director of Institute: DSc (Econ), prof. Oleh Kuzmin 5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 428a (032) 258-22-10 (дирекція)
(032) 258-27-95 (декани)
(032) 258-26-93 (методисти деканатів)
(098) 313-70-11 (дирекція)
Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Director of the Institute – Prof. Dr. habil (Law), Full Professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine Volodymyr Ortynskyi 1/3 Kniazia Romana Street, educational building 19; 3aKniazia Romana Street, educational building 20; 11 Teatralna Street, educational building 33; 57 Viacheslava Chornovola Prospect, educational building 36. (032) 258-21-16 (Director’s Office)
(032) 258-30-92 (Bachelor Programmes Office)
(032) 258-30-29 (Master Programmes Office)
(098) 313 69 11 (Administration)
Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies Director of Institute: CScTech, Assoc. prof. Yosyp Khromiak 18 Horbachevskoho St., Building 32, Room 205 (032) 258-20-27
(032) 297-07-55
(066) 422-00-84
Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development Director of Institute: DSc. (Econ.), Prof. Sviatoslav Kniaz 2/4 Karpinskoho St., Building 1, Room 201 (032) 258-32-18
(032) 258-32-16
(032) 258-32-14
(098) 313-53-10 (дирекція)
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Director of Institute: DSc Tech., Prof. Volodymyr Skorokhoda 79013, Ukraine, Lviv, 9 St. Yura sqr., 9th academic building, offices 121-125 (032) 258-23-10
(032) 258-22-15
(096) 233-15-36
International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations Director of Institute: DSc. (Pedagogy), Assoc. prof. Iryna Kliuchkovska 32d Bandery St., Building 6a, Room 212 (032) 258-01-51
(032) 258-01-61
Department of Architectural Environment Design Head of Department: D.Arch., Prof. Viktor Proskuriakov 12 Bandery St., Main building, Room 329 (032) 224-83-70
Department of Architectural Constructions Head of Department: D.Arch., Prof. Ihor Hnes 12 Bandery St., Main building, Room 316 (032) 258-25-42
Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals Head of Department: D.Arch., Assoc. prof. Svitlana Linda 12 Bandery St., Main building, Rooms 311, 325 (032) 258-25-36
Department of Architectural Design Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Mykola Habrel 12 Bandery St.,Main building, Room 334 (032) 258-25-22
Department of Architecture and Сonservation Head of Department: D.Arch., Prof. Mykola Bevz 12 Bandery St., Main building, Rooms 326, 327 (032) 258-22-08
Department of Urban Planning and Design Head of Department: ScD., associate professor Yuliya IDAK 12 Bandery St., Main academic building, Room 323 (032) 258-26-28
Department of Administrative and Financial Management Head of Department: Sc.D., Prof. Nazarii Podolchak 28а Stepan Bandera St., Building 5, 2-b Room (032) 258-26-30
Research Laboratory of Landscape Architecture Prof., Halyna Petryshyn, PhD in Architecture (032) 258-26-28
Department of Project Management Head of Department: DSc (Econ.), Prof. Pavlo Ilchuk 28а Stepan Bandera Str., Building 5, Rooms 1, 2 (032) 258-21-18
(032) 258-27-73
Department of Highways and Bridges Head of Departmen : DScTec., Prof. Sobol K.S. 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 306 (032) 258-25-17
Department of Building Constructions and Bridges Head of Department: DScTec., Assoc. prof. Roman Khmil 6 Karpinskoho St., building 2, Room 208 (032) 258-25-24
Department of Building Production Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Myroslav Sanytskyi 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 419 (032) 258-25-41
Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Volodymyr Cherniuk 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 103 (032) 258-25-14
Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Mechanics Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Yevhen Kharchenko 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 321 (032) 258-25-21
Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Vasyl Zhelykh 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 405 (032) 258-27-05
Department of Higher Geodesy and Astronomy Head of Department: CScTec., Assoc. prof. Bohdan Dzhuman 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 615 (032) 258-27-04
Department of Geodesy Head of Department: CScTec., Assoc. prof. Serhii Perii 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 513 (032) 258-21-41
(032) 258-21-84
Department of Engineering Geodesy Acting Head of Department: DScTec., Assoc. prof. Anatolii Tserklevych 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 301 (032) 258-23-87
Department of Cadastre of Territory Head of Department: DScTec., Assoc. prof. Hubar Yurii 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 503 (032) 258-26-31
(032) 258-23-09
Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modelling Head of Department: Ph.D. Dmytro Marchenko 6 Karpinskoho St., Building 2, Room 610 (032) 258-23-38
(032) 258-24-40
(032) 258-27-16
Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics Head of Department: PhD, Yevhenii Shylo 6 Starosolskykh St., Building 2, Room 622 (032) 258-26-16
Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies Head of Department: DScTec., Assoc. prof. Fedir Matiko 5 Ustyianovycha St., Building 10 (032) 258-25-16
Department of Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering Head of Department DScTec., Assoc. prof. Oksana Hoholiuk 12 Bandery St., Main building, Room 113 (032) 258-21-19
Department of Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Mykhailo Semerak 5 Ustyianovycha St., Building 10, Room 201 (032) 258-25-15
Department of Chemical Engineering Head of Department: DScTech, Prof. Volodymyr Atamaniukич 9 St. Yura square, Building 9, Room 108 (032) 258-26-57
Department of Electromechatronics and Computerized Electromechanical Systems Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Ihor Shchur (032) 258-23-95
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Electronic Engineering Director of Institute: DScTec., Assoc. prof. Leonid Ozirkovskyi 2 Profesorska St., Building 11, Room 209 (032) 258-25-55
(032) 258-23-88
(032) 258-24-20
(032) 258-26-05
(098) 313 70 75 (дирекція)
Department of Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Mykhailo Seheda 28a Bandery St.,Room 402 +38 (032) 258-25-12
+38 (032) 258-21-01
Department of Technical Mechanics and Engineering Graphics Head of Department: PhD, Associate Professor Vitaliy Korendiy 32 Bandery St., Building 6, Room 306, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine (032) 258-21-85
(032) 258-26-42
(032) 258-23-60
Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Welding Head of Department DScTec., Prof. Olesia Maksymovych 8 Bandery St., Building 16, Room 9 (032) 258-25-18
Department of Motor Vehicle Transport Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Bohdan Kindratskyi 32 Bandery St., Building 6, Room 110 (032) 258 21-71
Department of Design Machine and Automotive Engineering Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Vasyl Dmytriv 8 Bandery St., Building 14, Room 75 (032) 258 21 55
Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies Head of Department: DScTec., Assoc. prof. Vadym Stupnytskyi 8 Bandery St., Building 14, Room 63, 64 (032) 258-26-40
(032) 258-26-42
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Head of Department: DScTec., Prof. Zoia Duriahina 5 Ustyianovycha St., Building 10, Room 28a (032) 258-25-13
Department of Transport Technologies Head of Department: : Ph.D., Associate Professor Yuriy Royko 32 Bandery St., Building 6, Room 208 (032) 258-26-59
(032) 258-24-89
Department of Information Systems and Networks Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Vasyl Lytvyn 5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 122a (032) 258-25-38
(032) 258-26-38
Department of Automated Control Systems Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Vasyl Tesliuk 28a Bandery St., Building 5, Room 801 (032) 258-26-47
Department of Computer-Aided Design Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Mykhailo Lobur 5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 324 (032) 258-26-74
Department of Publishing Information Technologies Head of Department: CScTec., Assoc. prof. Nataliya Kustra 28a Bandery St., Building 5, Room 908 (032) 258-27-79
Department of Software Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Dmytro Fedasiuk 28a Bandery St., Building 5, Room 811 (032) 258-25-78
(032) 258-23-77
Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Nataliia Shakhovska 5 Kniazia Romana St. (032) 258-31-08
Department of Specialized Computer Systems Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Roman Kochan 28а Stepana Bandery St.,Building 5, Room 903 (032) 258-26-44
(032) 258-27-22
Department of Computerized Automatic Systems Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Andrian Nakonechnyi 28а Stepana Bandery St., Building 5, Room 601 (032) 258-24-64
(032) 258-21-97
Department of Electronic Computing Machines Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Anatolii Melnyk 28а Stepana Bandery St., Building 5, Room 503 (032) 258-24-57
(032) 258-21-96
Department of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Orest Ivakhiv 1/3 Kniazia Romana St., University Building 19, Room 117 (032) 258-30-41
Department of Information Protection Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Ivan Opirsky 1 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19, Room 204 258 - 30 - 59 (факс)
258 - 30 - 60
Department of Information and Measurement Technologies Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Tetiana Bubela 28а Stepana Bandery St., Building 5, Room 708 (032) 258-23-94
(032) 258-26-19
Department of Information Technology Security Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Ihor Zhuravel 1 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19, Room 219 (032) 258-30-77
Department of Applied Mathematics Head of Department: DSc (Phys.& Math.), Prof. Bohdan Markovych 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 213 (032) 258-23-68
(096) 461-71-75
Admissions Committee Chairman of Admissions Committee: Rector: Sc.D., Prof. Yuriy Bobalo 12 Bandery St., Main building, Room 101 (032) 258-25-37
(032) 258-22-65
(096) 887-90-16
(032) 258-24-70
(032) 258-24-74
(032) 258-22-60 (пільги)
(099) 101-93-62 (пільги)
Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming Head of Department: DSc (Phys.& Math.), Prof. Ihor Demkiv 5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 222 (032) 258-21-74
Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics Head of Department: DScTech., Prof. Ivan Aftanaziv 5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 110 (032) 258-23-60
Department of Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science Acting Head of Department: DSc, Prof. Anatolii Andrushchak 5 Ustyianovycha St., Building 10, Room 32 (032) 258-27-08
(098) 026-90-82
Department of Mathematics Head of Department: DSc (Phys.& Math.), Prof. Petro Filevych 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 218 (032) 258-25-40
Department of International Information Head of Department: DSc (Political science), Prof. Vasyl Hulai 1 Sviatoho Yura sq., Building 3, Room 126 (032) 258-24-76
Department of General Physics Head of the Department: Semkiv Ihor Volodymyrovych 12 Stepana Bandery St., main building, Room 136 (032) 258-26-13
(032) 258-27-66
Department of Business Economics and Investment Head of Department: CSc(Econ.), Assoc. prof. Orest Koleshchuk 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 402 (032) 258-25-45
Department of Foreign Trade and Customs Head of Department: Olga Melnyk, Doctor of economic sciences, Professor 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 513 (032) 258-27-25
Department of Marketing and Logistics Head of Department: CSc(Econ.), Assoc. prof Nazar Glinskyi 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 415 (032) 258-26-25 (кімн. 415 IV н.к., секретар кафедри)
Department of Management and International Business Head of Department: DSc(Econ.), Assoc. prof. Olha Pyroh 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 302 (032) 258-22-89
Department of Management of Organizations Head of Department: DSc(Econ.), Prof. Oleh Karyi 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 407 (032) 258-21-75
Department of Human Resource Management and Administration Head of Department: DSc(Econ.), Assoc. prof. Yosyf Sytnyk 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 506 (032) 258-27-42
Department of Accounting and Analysis Head of Department: DSc(Econ.), Prof. Ihor Yaremko 5 Metropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 315 (032) 258-22-43
Department of Finance Head of the Department: ScD, Professor Bondarchuk Mariia street Metropolitan Andrew 3, 4th n.k. , room. 430 (032) 258-21-93
Department of Administrative and Informational Law Acting chief of the Department: Doctor of Juridical Sciences, professor Mariia Blikhar 1-3 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19, Room 325 (032) 258-30-46
(032) 258-30-47
Career Guidance Center Head of Career Guidance Center: CScTech, Assoc. prof. Vasyl Lozynskyi 2/4 Karpinskoho St., Building 1, Room 302 (032) 258-24-06
(032) 258-22-05
(097) 305-69-55
(067) 710-21-24
(063) 845-38-96
(097) 149-84-66
Department of Civil Law and Procedure Head of Department: S.J.D., Prof. Iryna Lychenko 3 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19, Room 312 (032) 258-30-27 (завідувач кафедри)
(032) 258-30-21(кафедра)
(032) 258-30-45 (кафедра)
Department of International and Criminal Law Head of Department: S.J.D., Prof. Oleksii Humin 1/3 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19, Room 331 (032) 258-30-36
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication Head of Department: PhD in Communication, Assoc. prof. Zoriana Haladzhun 1-3 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19, Room 333 (032) 258-31-03
(032) 258-31-04
Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education Head of Department: DSc. (Pedagogy), Prof. Tetiana Horokhivska 57 V. Chornovola Av., 36 Building, Room 706 (032) 258-32-29;
(032) 258-32-32
Department of Theory of Law and Constitutionalism Head of Department: S.J.D., Prof. Vitalii Kovalchyk 1-3 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19, Room 327 (032) 258-30-26
(032) 258-30-43
(032) 258-30-23
Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology Acting Head of Department: PsyD., Assoс. prof. Iryna Sniadanko 1-3 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19 258-32-43 (кафедра)
258-32-44 (завідувач)
Center for Innovative Educational Technologies Director of the Center: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Marharyta Noskova 5 Kniazia Romana St., 105 room, Lviv, 79005 Приймальна: кабінет 313, тел. 258-32-38
Директор: кабінет 312, тел. 258-32-39
Укладання договорів з фізичними та юридичними особами: кабінет 304, тел. 258-32-34
Організація навчання, видача сертифікатів: кабінет 311, тел. 258-32-37
British Law Centre Coordinator: Iryna Sofinska