The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, the Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychology and Innovative Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University, invites you to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovations and Peculiarities of Media Functioning in a Democratic Society», which will be held online on May 23, 2023.
Main directions of the conference
- Section 1. Legal norms and ethical standards in the work of a journalist.
- Section 2. Theoretical problems in Ukrainian and international journalism and their applied solution.
- Section 3. Military journalism as a requirement of the time.
- Section 4. Digital technologies in the field of media functioning and the use of digital platforms in the journalist’s work.
- Section 5. The role of traditional media in the formation of democratic values in society: conceptual problems, visions and prospects for development.
- Section 6. New media in the information space: state, problems and new opportunities for journalism.
- Section 7. Relevance of media literacy in society and information hygiene during wartime.
- Section 8. Broadcasting culture of the information space: problems and ways to overcome them.
The conference will be held on the Zoom platform.
- Join a Zoom conference
- Conference ID: 796 8567 5847
- Access code: h4e9fW
Beginning at 10:00.
For more details, see the conference call for papers.