Lecture «Digital development of the regions of Ukraine: trends of the pre-war period and prospects for post-war recovery»

Фрагмент афіші лекції

On November 30, 2023, a public lecture will be held on the topic «Digital development of the regions of Ukraine: trends of the pre-war period and prospects for post-war recovery».


  • Ihor Panchenko – head of the regional digital transformation team at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine;
  • Maksym Stoliarchuk – the head of the Digital Development Department of the Lviv Regional Military Administration.

The lecture will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform. It starts at 16:25.


The event will take place within the framework of the Erasmus+ project of the Jean Monnet Chair «European studies for technical specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University».

The organizers invite everyone to join the lecture.