Webinar on How to take part in the International competition «Brand Ukraine: creating together» from Lviv Polytechnic IECDR

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On December 15, 2020 the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, and Sophia Ukrainian School in the United Arab Emirates in partnership with the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations and the UWC International Educational Coordinating Council (IECC) organize a webinar on How to participate in the International competition «Brand Ukraine: create together».

The introductory webinar will be conducted by Tetiana Spivakovska, Deputy Director for Education and Methodological Work, Sofia Ukrainian School in the UAE.

At the webinar you will learn:

  • about the competition;
  • who can take part in the competition;
  • how to build a team;
  • how to get participants interested;
  • which are the stages and terms of the competition.
  • The webinar will take place on the Zoom platform in the form of a presentation and dialogue. Directors and teachers of Ukrainian studies schools abroad, representatives of Ukrainian patriotic public organizations in the world and all interested persons are invited to the meeting.

Participation in the event is free subject to prior registration. Beginning at 16:00 Kyiv time.