University News

27 May 2020

онлайн-засідання EuroSPEAKing Club
12:28 – FTC Department, Lviv Polytechnic
IEM students and academic staff talked to a lawyer from Scotland at the online meeting of EuroSPEAKing Club

26 May 2020

Адвокатура в умовах сучасних змін
17:06 – Conference organizing committee
International Scientific and Practical Conference «Advocacy in Changing World» has been postponed to October

Олег Кузьмін
15:15 – Mariia Kindratovych, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
IEM continues to work actively on the international accreditation of educational programs

10:17 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
The strategic planning session of the Ukrainian World Congress and the IECDR of Lviv Polytechnic

25 May 2020

Павло Жежнич
12:59 – Olha Matskiv, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Pavlo Zhezhnych: «The main idea of the University performance monitoring system is to ensure transparency of the ranking process»

Computer Design Systems. Theory and Practice
10:53 – The website Academic Journals and Conferences
Scientific journal Computer Design Systems. Theory and Practice, Volume 1, Number 1, 2019

 Microsoft Teams
09:27 – According to Pingvin Pro
A student of Lviv Polytechnic joined the development of a Microsoft Teams bot to help teachers

23 May 2020

Дарія Сабітова
17:10 – Agnesa Pronko, a second year student of JMC Department
Art under quarantine with Viennese art historian Daria Sabitova

22 May 2020

вебінари «Енергоаудит та енергоменеджмент у лікарнях»
17:19 – Event organizers
Representatives of the Western region of Ukraine invite to the webinars on Energy Audit and Energy Management in Hospitals

11:06 – Department of Photonics, Lviv Polytechnic
An online laboratory lesson on Mechatronics and Robotics at the Department of Photonics

10:13 – Yuliia Pankiv, a second-year student at the JMC Department
Student life during quarantine: interview with graduates of Academic Gymnasium

20 May 2020

онлайн-зустріч команди МІОКу з Наталією Пошивайло-Таулер
11:36 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
Vice President of the Ukrainian World Congress held online meeting with IECDR staff

19 May 2020

Nature Index 2020
15:22 – According to the YevroOsvita website
Lviv Polytechnic entered the top 6 Ukrainian HEIs in Nature Index 2020 Tables: Institutions – academic

пристосовуємо середовище під людину
12:50 – Міжнародний центр професійного партнерства «Інтеграція»
Lviv Polytechnic proceeds with the development of accessible educational environment for persons with special needs

Ірина Степаняк
08:50 – SCIA Department, Lviv Polytechnic
A graduate of SCIA Department tells about her study at Lviv Polytechnic and job abroad

18 May 2020

14:07 – CLP Department, Lviv Polytechnic
IJPS students took part in the International Competition of Criminal Law Research Papers

Cypress Semiconductor
12:10 – Department of Employment and Industrial Relations
Polytechnicians are invited to take part in the Embedded Summer Project Development Program by Cypress Semiconductor