University News

03 Apr 2020

платформа онлайн навчання Coursera
07:52 – CIS, Lviv Polytechnic
Educational platform Coursera for Campus offers the opportunity of free training for Lviv Polytechnic students

02 Apr 2020

дівчина в захисній масці
14:24 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
Tech StartUp School starts printing protection medical facial screens and asks to join their initiative

01 Apr 2020

Оксана Муха
17:39 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
IECDR starts the action on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the I Kvitka Cisyk International Competition of Ukrainian Romances

31 Mar 2020

Юрій Бобало
17:48 – Yurii Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic
Speech of Lviv Polytechnic Rector

16:09 – Anastasiia Stepaniak, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Polytechnic uses distance technologies not only for education, but for university management as well

команда організаторів Інженерного Ярмарку Кар’єри
14:30 – Local BEST Group Lviv
Local BEST Group Lviv: dreams turn into goals

на зустрічі
10:44 – Kolomyia Polytechnic College of Lviv Polytechnic
German delegation paid a visit to Kolomyia Polytechnic College of Lviv Polytechnic

Збірник: Едгар Ковач: наукові та творчі практики архітектора
08:51 – Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic
Bibliography of Lviv Polytechnic Researchers, historical series, issue one: in honor of Rector Edgar Kováts

30 Mar 2020

афіша конференції
16:38 – Conference Organizing Committee
ІІ International Conference «Innovative Technologies in the Development of Modern Society» is postponed

апарат штучної вентиляції легень
12:32 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
Staff and partners of University’s Tech StartUp School join coronavirus fight

27 Mar 2020

Юрій Симоненко
14:18 – Iryna Martyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Formula for success from a graduate of Lviv Polytechnic IEAT and a successful banker

26 Mar 2020

10:32 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
IECDR and Ukrainian Association of South Africa continue working on sociological research

25 Mar 2020

16:41 – Project office, Lviv Polytechnic
Lviv Polytechnic project office offers its services to the University academic staff