Accounting and Analysis Department History

Department of Accounting and Analysis founded in April 2002 ( by Rector’s order № 72-10 from April 23, 2002) prepares highly-qualified experts in accounting and analytical, control-auditing, auditing profiles for enterprises, organizations and auditing firms.

The establishment initiator and head of the Department from the time of its foundation is Ph.D., professor, vice-rector of research and educational work Zagorodnij A.

Besides performance of direct duties, head of the Department Zagorodnij A. is involved in the vigorous activity at the level of Ministry of Education and Science (now Ministry of Education and Science, Sport and Youth in Ukraine). In particular he took part in forming State program of higher education development from 2005 to 2010, adapted to European system concept of National qualifications framework creation and standard regulations, especially on learning process organization by credit and modular system of specialists training, on lecturer-supervisor of personal curriculum etc. He was a participant of international project by Tempus program concerning application of European Credit Transfer System in Ukrainian universities.

Professor Zagorodnij combines duties of research and educational work vice-rector and head of the Department. On the one hand it promotes his deep understanding of the smallest learning process organization problems which should be solved and on the other hand causes exclusive standards for lecturers (all get used that the Department of Accounting and Analysis should be perfect). This Department often is “the polygon” for working off the ideas and proposals of the university administration that became later the standard of others universities’ departments.

The organization of the Accounting and Analysis Department in the technical institute of higher education was quite a complicated and risky business. Now we cannot even imagine that at the end of April 2002 the whole faculty was formed of 12 people: head of the department, 5 associate professors (Korjagin M., Poliakova L., Ustinova R., Homjak R., Shkvir V.), 4 assistants (Vos’kalo V., Mohniak V., Olshans’ka M., Shyra T.), head of the laboratory Bylenja Z. and engineer Jasins’ka A. After the first year the employees grew to 23 people (among them 10 assistant professors, 2 senior lecturers, 8 assistants, 3 people of assistance personnel). During the next years the Department developed fast. In 10 years the amount of its employees grew more than 2.5 times.

At present 48 lecturers, in particular 5 professors, 22 associate professors, 6 senior lecturers, 15 assistants, teach 70 courses for the training direction and major “Accounting and Analysis” and also students of others educational and research institutes in the university, especially ICSIT, ICTAM, ICCT. There are 10.4 % of Sc. Ds and professors, 54.2% of Ph. Ds and assistant professors, 35.4 % of academics in the structure of department’s academic staff.

The head of the department managed to combine the young people initiative and the true professionals experience that together are able to solve the most complicated problems. The mean age of pedagogues is only 37 years. The faculty of the department constantly shows the professional mobility and adaptation to changes, uses innovative pedagogical and modern informational technologies in educational process. The qualitative education for students is a result of key processes implementation from which consists each institute and all university functioning. One of the most important processes in this chain is ensuring of competitive students admission. The contest increase among entrants proves that the department gained the appropriate authority on the education market. At the same time personnel realizes that students’ demands for qualitative education are rising, that is why faculty members are looking for the ways of improvement of educational services providing. Together with AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków , Poland) it was worked out a joint educational program for masters studying and state documents on education in Ukraine and Poland issuing .The graduates of the Department work successfully practically in all spheres of state economy: industrial, building, transport, financial etc. The best seniors of the department continue post-graduate studies in the university or work at the Accounting and Analysis Department. In particular, now here work twenty-four its graduates. The Department cooperates with professional publications, including: “All About Accounting”, “Bookkeeping”, “Taxes and law”, and also with famous organizations that conduct contests, interviews, trainings for employment. Due to the high level of education many graduates were able to find job in companies where they underwent practical training. The Department is proud of the fact that the Lviv Polytechnic diploma of specialist in accounting and auditing in is the best recommendation for employment of its graduates. The Accounting and Analysis Department constantly updates educational content, forms and methods. During ten years of department functioning educational workload has increased from 11500 hours to 36100 hours, that is 3,3 times more. For many years the department maintains business relations with Ukrainian newspaper “All about accounting” and consulting company “Faktor” that conduct contests of students’ works in major “Accounting and Audit” and also students’ testing aimed at finding clever young people and their employment. Implementation of innovative approaches to major subjects teaching promoted publishing of 13 textbooks and 41 educational accessories that obtained recognition not only among pedagogues and students but also among scholars and practical workers.

Department’s educational publications take part in Lviv Polytechnic’s annual contest for the best monograph, textbook and tutorial. Publication Zahorodnyj A., Partyn G., Pylypenko L. Accounting: theory and practice fundamentals (second edition, revised and supplemented) was placed third in the nomination “The best textbook 2010”. In nomination “The best tutorials” winners were: “Information systems and technologies used in accounting”, third edition, revised and supplemented (authors: Shkvir V., Zahorodnyj A., Vysochan O.) in 2007 and “Accounting, analysis and auditing” (group of authors: Bilyk M., Zahorodnyj A., Kindrats’ka G., Korjahin M., Partyn G., Poljakova L., Chomjak R., Vysochan O., Vos’kalo V., Chubaj V.) that won second place in 2011.Department of Accounting and Analysis pays a lot of attention to workshop conferences: “Theory and practice of accounting and auditing: current state and directions for improvement” in 2004, “Accounting and analytical support of enterprise management system” in 2007, 2009 and 2012.

At the same time there are conferences for Ph.D. students and Masters “Accounting, control and analysis problems in Ukrainian economics” (2009, 2011) and annual students’ research conferences “Accounting, control and analysis problems in Ukrainian economics” that started in 2008.In 2011 the department organized two accounting seminars on “Tax Code: changes in the taxation of business entities” and “Changes in usage of simplified taxation system”. The main aim of such seminars is to help accountants to understand changes in normative and legal regulation of accounting and taxation. Together with the Institute of Postgraduate Education department’s lecturers deliver refresher courses “Organization and methodology of accounting in Ukraine”. The department supports business and scientific relations with colleagues from the other Ukrainian and European universities in order to study and implement best practices of educational process organization, as well as with leading enterprises and organizations, such as Nestle Ukraine and NBS Europe.

The Department of Accounting and Analysis is situated in five educational and laboratory rooms with total area 339,5 m2.

Faculty is provided with work places in four rooms in the academic building № 4 with total area 104,5 m2.The department is a part of university’s computer network which has information content that helps studying process and e-mail service that is used by lecturers and Ph.D. students. Information on majors is placed in web-pages of University, Institute of Economics and Management and Accounting and Analysis Department. Workplaces of scientific and pedagogical personnel are equipped with computers with access to the Internet.

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