Automated Control Systems Department History

The ACS Department was founded in 1974 on the basis on the group of lecturers of Informational and Measuring Technology Department and is situated on the 7th floor in just placed in operation academic building № 5. The admission is 100 students per year. The first staff list included only 5 people — head of the department, assistant professor, Ph.D. Ogorodnik I., senior lecturer, Ph.D. Marunchak D. and assistants Obeliovska K., Struk M., Tkachenko R.

The new impetus for the Department development was choosing in 1976 assistant professor Lykashchuk L., of the that time Automatics Faculty dean, as the head of the Department. The Faculty grew in three times, opened postgraduate course, transacted first agreements, founded research laboratory RL-62 and department subsidiary by Special Design and Technological Office of Electron systems engineering, formed Department’s research direction — methods and means of computer engineering and control systems.

From 1982 to 1992 the Department headed assistant professor Fabri L. The faculty continued its forming, first thesis were defended, mutually beneficial relations with leading enterprises and academic institutions in Lviv strengthened, considerably broadened economic contract subject. New research studies such as methods and means of language signals processing and automation of banks and database design developed. The preparation of specialists by major ‘Automated systems of researches and complex testing’ began. From 1992 to 2011 the head of the Department was its graduate (in 1977) Sc. D. professor Rashkevych Yu. From 1992 to 1994 organizational and methodical measures connected with adaption of multilevel system (undergraduate, specialist, master) of students training were held.

In 1993, 1998 and 2003 the Department passed state accreditation for the highest, fourth level. The training of foreign specialists and Ph.D. students was started and material and methodical basis for educational process conducting was considerably improved. For undergraduates in ’Computer sciences’ new major ‘Technology of automated processing of text and graphic information’ was created. The range of researches was expanded, among which are the theory of optimal combinatorial structures, neural networks and adaptive systems, specialized means of digital processing of signals, defended five doctoral and more than ten Ph.D. theses. On basis of the department it was created specialized academic council K 35.052.14 with the right to accept for consideration and carrying out the Ph.D. degree thesis defense in major 05.13.03 ‘Systems and processes of operation’ and 05.01.2004 ‘System analysis and theory of optimal solutions’.

In 1998 the training of undergraduates according to the new direction ‘Light Industry’ in major ‘Publishing and polygraphy’ was started. In 2011 this major got a separate department ITPI (Informational Technologies in Publishing Industry). The re-equipment of the department laboratories with modern machinery was conducted , branched department computer network with the Internet access was created, the updating of methodological support is regular, techniques of studying are improving.

In 2000 the project according to the TEMPUS/TACIS program was successfully carried out . According to this project on the basis of the department The State Centre of Professional Training for academics in sphere of using modern technologies in educational process was established, modern system of organization and controlling of educational process were worked out and implemented.

The head of the Department since 2011 is Sc.D. Professor Mykola Medykovskyi. Nowadays we have stable and highly qualified faculty, among which 5 Ph.Ds and 23 candidates; more than 70 research papers are published each year; we perform research works on request of State Committee on Science and Technology of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science and economic contracts subjects; the international academic cooperation is adjusted; there are postgraduate and doctoral studies.

There are two majors for udergraduates: 0804 ’Computer science’ and 0927 ’Publishing and printing’, for Specialists and Masters: 0804.01 ’Information Control Systems and Technologies’ and 0927.04 ’Computerized technology and systems of publishing and printing production’ respectively.

The Department cooperates with several foreign universities — University of Toronto (Canada), Universities of Applied Sciences in Zwickau and Nuremberg (Germany), University of Twente (Netherlands), Vienna University of Technology (Austria), Polytechnic University of Wroclaw and Rzeszow University (Poland). Jointly conducted research and drafts indicate the proper prominent place of the department in the world’s research community.

Over the last 30 years the Department prepared about 3000 engineers and system-technicians masters, among them are more than 150 specialists for Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cuba, Vietnam, Syria, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

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