History of the Business Economics and Investments Department The Department of Business Economics and Investments was founded in 1970 and during different periods had the following names: 1970 — 1995 — the Department of Economics and Construction Arrangements; 1995 — 2003 — the Department of Economics and Management of Investments and Real Estate; 2003 — till present — the Department of Business Economics and Investment. The Department is headed by Kozyk Vasyl, Ph.D., Professor.
It was founded in 1970 as the Department of Economics and Construction Arrangements to graduate engineers-economists in the major of “Economics and Construction Arrangements” and the training of students of architectural, construction-engineering and heat engineering faculty. A constituent part of the Department became Territorial Research Laboratory (TRL-52), it is founded to research technology and construction arrangements issues and to improve construction operations effectiveness.
The Department was headed by Ph.D. and Sc.D. S. Vasyliev (since 1986 — Ph.D. and Professor). Together with him the first lecturers were: Associate professor O. Holikov, senior lecturers V.Bardyn, Ya.Kalyniak, A.Rudkov and assistants V.Lamotko and Ye.Polishko.
Since 1983 till 1996, November the Department was headed Ph.D., Associate professor S.I.Protsyk (since 1995 — Sc.D., Professor). In 1996, according to the tendencies in the economy and education, the Department changed its name and became known as the Department of Economics and Management of Investments and Real Estate. The significant changes in curriculum and fields of research are took place with the active participation of the head of the Department, Sc.D. and Professor S.Protsyk.
Since 1996, November the Department is headed by Ph.D. and Professor V.Kozyk. Since 2002, September the subdivision renamed as the Department of Business Economics and Investment.
The Department provides training of the experts in educational and qualification levels “Bachelor”, “Specialist” and “Master”, specialisations “Business Economy.”
Training of the Masters includes three master programs: −8.03050401 (01) — Business Economics of the real investment; −8.03050401 (02) — Business Economics of the investment infrastructure; −8.03050401 (03) — Management of enterprise economic development.
Graduates of the Department can work at public and corporate bodies, local self-governments, their Departments concerned with the production, transport, communication, finance and investment; at enterprises, organizations and institutions, companies, stock and other types of business entities.
As of 2012 the Department has 45 lecturers: Head of the Department, Ph.D, Professor V.Kozyk; Sc.D, Professor Yu.Stadnytskyi; Sc.D. Professor I.B.Skvortsov; PhD, Associate professor M.Klimkovskyi, A.Havrylyak, V.Dovbenko. O.Yemelianov, V.Kichor, I.Kret, T.Makarevych, Ya.Volovets, I.Kryvtsun, V.Melnyk, A.Seliuchenko, T.Danylovych, V.Manzii, O.Shyiko, S.Vorobets, O.Muzychenko-Kozlowska, O.Mryhina, I.Dashko, O.Zahoretska, Ph.D.s, senior lecturers — V.Votsehovska, O.Koleschuk, A.Symak, senior lecturers — A.Vysotskyi, I.Tymchyshyn, L.Rizhko, A.Stoyanovskyy, Ph.D.s., assistants — A.Kravets, I.Polova; assistants — I.Vynnyk, O.Hudz, N.Yanevych, Ya.Yuhman, T.Petrushka, O.Myschyshyn, V.Hryshko, N.Myroschenko, V.Zalutskyi, Ya.Kudria, A.Biliak, L.Danchak, L.Lesyk, L. Plukar.