Teaching Schedule (Lviv)

The draft teaching schedule for 2019-2020 is below. This will be finalised after discussions with the host University.

Teaching sessions will take place during evening hours (in order to make it easier for participants to attend). However, if (once recruitment has finished) it seems that the participants wish to organise the teaching schedule differently (i.e. different dates, different times), it may be possible to rearrange the draft schedule below accordingly.



Substantive Law

Legal Skill

28th-29th October

English Legal System

Fact Management in Litigation

25th-26th November

English Legal System

Oral advocacy

15th-16th December

Contract Law

Oral advocacy

Client Interviewing

21st-22nd January

Contract Law

Contract Negotiations

10th-11th February

Contract Law

Contract Drafting

16th-17th March



Contract Drafting

14th-15th April

Tort Law

Written Advocacy

Legal Opinion Writing

18th- 19th May

Tort Law

CV and Interview Skills


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