Research at the Department

The scientific work of the department is aimed at developing engineering methods of environmental protection to ensure the sustainable development of society. The main scientific direction is environmental protection technologies with the use of natural dispersed sorbents and mineral fertilizers of prolonged action. The following scientific directions of research are being developed at the department:

  • use of naturally dispersed sorbents in environmental technologies;
  • theoretical foundations of environmental technologies for purification of liquid media by adsorption methods;
  • purification of surface waters from oil pollution by adsorption methods;
  • adsorption processes of wastewater treatment from organic solvents;
  • wastewater treatment from dyes by adsorption on natural dispersed sorbents;
  • assessment of environmental risk of environmental pollution;
  • environmental impact assessment of mining and chemical industries;
  • ecological safety of waste-free technologies of processing of multicomponent salt-containing materials;
  • environmental safety of food production (wastewater treatment, waste disposal);
  • assessment of the impact of mineral fertilizers on the environment;
  • technologies of encapsulation of mineral fertilizers with films based on polymeric materials and natural dispersed sorbents;
  • purification of drainage waters of solid waste landfills;
  • utilization of industrial wood processing waste by creating biofuels;
  • use of natural sorbents to prevent environmental pollution by poultry development;
  • basin principle of environmental safety management of surface water bodies;
  • use of plant waste and aquatic biota for energy production;
  • integrated production and combined use of renewable energy sources;
  • use of industrial waste and encapsulated forms of complex fertilizers for remediation and biological reclamation of disturbed lands;
  • creation of means for biological reclamation with the use of technogenic waste.

At the moment the department has 6 current scientific and educational projects: 

  1. “Multilevel Local, Nation- and Regionwide Education and Training in Climate Services, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation/ClimEd” Erasmus+K2
  2. “Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention/CLIMAN” Erasmus+K2
  3.  “Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia (OPTIMA)” Erasmus+K2
  4. “Development of a comprehensive technology for obtaining and using substrates based on organic waste and natural sorbents for the needs of biological reclamation and remediation of industrially disturbed lands" National Research Foundation of Ukraine (MSCE), competition "Support to research of leading and young scientists”.
  5. “Development of technology for intensification of anaerobic coenzyming of sewage sludge and organ-containing waste” Competition of scientific and technical developments by state order (MSCE)
  6. “Ecological and economic stormwater management in urban areas addressing first-flush phenomena” Joint Ukrainian-Austrian research project.

3 doctoral dissertations and 17 candidate dissertations were defended on these topics, about 800 articles were published and 35 patents were obtained. 8 economic contract works were performed.

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