Cities in Ruins Recovery Forum at Lviv Polytechnic National University

Фрагмент афіші заходу

On October 15–17, 2024, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepan Bandery St.) will host the Recovery Forum «Cities in Ruins».

The purpose of the forum is to create a platform for discussing the restoration of Ukrainian cities affected by the war through the prism of architecture, economics, culture, social activities, the experience of European colleagues, and the mental health of Ukrainians. The event will bring together experts from various fields to jointly search for innovative solutions to rebuild Ukrainian cities, support the population, develop a social movement, preserve cultural heritage, and raise funds both within the country and from international organizations.

The Cities in Ruins Recovery Forum is presenting a photo exhibition of the same name at Lviv Polytechnic National University. Photos of cities destroyed during the war will demonstrate the scale of destruction, cultural losses, and the urgent need for innovative solutions to restore them. An exhibition of architecture projects presented at this year’s Milan Design Week will be held at the same time. Students and experienced architects will present their visions for urban reconstruction. The models and video installations will allow us to see what the restored areas might look like in the future, taking into account their historical heritage.

The expert discussion part of the Forum will take place in the Assembly Hall of the main building of Lviv Polytechnic on the second day of the event – on October 16. Speakers from both Ukraine and leading universities in Krakow, Poznan, and Luxembourg will deliver speeches there. In addition, a cozy area will be created for informal communication, where Forum participants and experts will be able to discuss projects and find like-minded people and possible partners.

Admission to all events of the Cities in Ruins Forum is free. Every day the events will start at 9 am and last until 6 pm.


Detailed announcements and the program of the Forum