Director of the institute: ScD, Prof. Oleh Kuzmin
oleh.y.kuzmin@lpnu.uaDeputy director for scientific and administrative work: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Volodymyr Zhezhukha
volodymyr.y.zhezhukha@lpnu.uaDeputy director for scientific, pedagogical and educational work: PhD, Prof. Oleksandr Skybinskyi
oleksandr.s.skybinskyi@lpnu.uaDeputy director for scientific, pedagogical and international activities: ScD, Prof. Natalia Stanasiuk
nataliia.s.stanasiuk@lpnu.uaDeputy director for scientific, pedagogical and organizational work: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Yurii Malynovskyi
yurii.v.malynovskyi@lpnu.uaDeputy director for scientific, pedagogical and career guidance work: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Rostyslav Bala
Institute's Leadership
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