History of the Information Protection Departmen

Information Protection Department was founded in May 2006 after the reorganization of Automatics and Telemechanics Department, which was divided into two departments. The recently created Department was headed by Professor and Sc.D. Valerii Dudykevych, who was the head of Automatics and Telemechanics Department before 1993. It was located in 19 university buildings. The teaching staff consisted mainly of Automatics and Telemechanics Department members. The experts in the field of information protection and a number of scholars from academic and educational institutions of Lviv were also involved in the tuition.

The average age of teachers was 42 years. The Department trained the bachelors in the direction 6.1601 Information Protection, which licensed and accredited four professions at the Specialist degree at that time: 7.1601.02 Protection of information with limited access and automation of its processing, 7.1601.03 Systems of technical information protection, 7.1601.04 Administrative management of information protection and 7.1601.05. Information protection in computer systems and networks. The training of masters in speciality 8.1601.02 Protection of information with limited access and automation of its processing was licensed and other 3 specialties at Masters Degree will be licensed. According to the list of directions, in which the experts are trained in the Bachelor degree in the university college, since 13.12.2006, the direction 6.1601 Information Protection was changed into the education field, which consists of the following three directions: 6.170101 Information and Communication Systems Protection, 6.170102 Systems of technical information protection and 6.170103 Information Protection Control. Since 2007, the students admission for the first year has been conducted according to these directions.

The Department staff developed local network with 4 computer classrooms and set up a number of school laboratories in the short period of time: computer networks, methods and means of information protection, algorithmic basics of cryptology, network operating systems, information protection in computer networks, software protection and programmed methods of information protection, computer methods of analysis and design of electronic means, methods and means of steganography, protection of means and channels of telephony, complex systems of autohorized access, information security in open systems, basics of information security, work in the Internet, components and devices of electronic and physics protection of objects, methods and means of Cryptologic transformations, software and hardware protection means of information in computer and telecommunication systems, information protection in connection channels, methods and means special measurements, Automated Data Processing System (ADPS) with the limited access, identification of radio transmitter signals, audit of information security, administration in the information systems.

Lectures of the Department participated in the West region educational and research center of information security activities. In the center and laboratories there are modern equipments which are applied in the sphere of information security. It includes security surveillance system “Patriot” for multicameras video surveillance and videoinformation archiving; nonlinear locator “KATRAN” for the detection of an unautohorized information receiving, placed in the buildings, furniture and interior items that are active and passive, high frequency portable scanning receiver AR8200 for the radio set detection, universal field service telephone station Coral SL with software control, supports network ISDN, IP-telephony and function of packets and channels switching for hot link using security equipment, telephone scrambler “Oreh-II ”, for conducting private conversation by telephone channels of domestic, urban and interurban networks with the use of the up-to-date coding/decoding key systems according to the method of free keys;

Universal analyzer of the wired communications Ulan-2, for searching means which implement unautohorized information receiving from telephone and electronic power lines, which allows to check accurately using almost all known methods; search device Wega allows the user to identify and localize hidden video cameras quickly, scanner C -HUNTER 925 for scanning range and detection videotransmitting sections, multifunctional searching device ST 031P “Piranya” for the detection and localization special technical means of unautohorized information receiving etc.

Center received a license for carrying out work in the field of technical information protection and provides services to institutions and enterprises of the western region on the development, production, implementation, efficiency analysis, service on the places of information systems action of technical information protection, carriers of which are acoustic and electromagnetic fields and electric signals, development, production, implementation, efficiency analysis, maintenance of equipment and complexes of technical information protection in information systems, information technologies with information protection from unautohorized access; detection and blocking of information escape through devices on the objects of information activities, providing consultations regarding these questions. Department teachers and center members conduct researches in the field of technical information protection. For last 5 years they published over 30 papers, they made more than 50 presentations at the scientific and technical conferences and seminars. These studies were dedicated, in particular, the optimization of corporative networks structures, efficiency improvement and systems security of the detection and prevention of attacks on corporate networks, computation of complicated functions, construction of Poisson pulse sequence generator detecting hidden messages in digital images etc.

Head of laboratory Department Taras Lukovskyi, engineers Myron Trach, Igor Rudyck, Sofia Biktasheva, Volodymyr Rakobovchuk conducted tuition. The staff of Western Regional Training and Research Center of information protection — Vitalii Zachepylo, Olexandr Yastrubets’kyi, Vitalii Ivanyuk, Yuri Drozd, Adrii Kudryashov, Oleg Gluschak.

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