Scientific activity of the Management and International Entrepreneurship Department

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department actively combines teaching work with scientific activity, which contributes to increasing the level of efficiency of the educational process, improving the content of education process into account the current state and development trends of international economic, innovative and customs activities, implementing advanced forms of educational and methodological support for the training of specialists, improving teaching methods, etc.


The main forms of scientific activity of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department are:

  1. implementation of the state budget and research works;
  2. preparation of dissertations for obtaining scientific degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science by graduate students and teachers of the department;
  3. writing textbooks, study guides, monographs, lecture notes, scientific articles, etc.;
  4. participation of the department teaching staff in all-Ukrainian and international scientific-practical and scientific-methodological conferences;
  5. internship of department teaching staff in institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, educational institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries;
  6. scientific cooperation with state authorities, local governments, scientific institutions, customs structures, and enterprises of various types of activities in the form of holding round tables, conferences, seminars, etc.;
  7. involvement of students in scientific work, etc.

At the current stage, employees, graduate students and doctoral students of the Management and International Entrepreneurship Department conduct scientific research in the following scientific areas:

  1. Development of international economic relations in the conditions of globalization and European integration" (MMP-13). Head: Doctor of Economics Oleg Kuzmin. State registration number U 0117U001462.
  2. Development of process-structured management in the conditions of enterprises cross-border cooperation" (MMP-14). Head: Doctor of Economics Oleg Kuzmin. State registration number U 0117U001463.
  3. "Formation and development of scientific research systems in higher educational institutions" (MMP-15). Head: Doctor of Economics Liliya Zhuk. State number registration U 0117U003812.
  4. "Development of stress management systems in conditions of increased international cooperation" (MMP-16). Head: Doctor of Economics Mykhailo Honchar. State number registration U 0119U100038.
  5. "Development of industrial potential in conditions of activation the international economic activity" (MMP-17). Head: Doctor of Economics Nataliia Stanasiuk. State registration number U 0119U100039.
  6. "Development of crowdfunding activities in the investment system of the national economy" (MMP-18). Head: Doctor of Economics Oleksandr Skybinskyi. State number registration U 0119U100487.
  7. "Resource and information provision of development models of national economies and their subjects in the global economic system" (MMP-19). Head: Doctor of Economics Olha Pyrog. State registration number 0121U108836.

The scientific research laboratory NDP-87 is successfully functioning at the department (scientific director of the laboratory is Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. O. Kuzmin), on the basis of which state budget topics were developed indifferent years, in particular, the topics: "Problems of modern systems of management development at Ukrainian enterprises" (1998–1999); "Development of the corporate management system in the context of economic reform" (2000–2001); "Formation of conditions for ensuring the investment attractiveness of enterprises and mechanisms for attracting foreign investments" (2002–2003); "Formation and use of innovative development mechanism of industrial and economic structures" (2004–2005); "Formation and development of indicators system of enterprises production and economic activity: theoretical, methodological and methodical basics" (2007–2008); "Poly-criteria diagnosis of enterprise activity based on the matrix of indicators" (2009–2010); "Methodology and tools of process-structured management" (2010-2013). Since 2015, the scientific direction of research has been developing and improving management systems and international economic activity.

Contract No. 613 dated April 1, 2021, is being implemented at the department. Topic: "Assessment of the usefulness of online sales technologies on the markets of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products for Galant-Agro LLC". Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Economics Myroslava Bublyk.

In Lviv Polytechnic National University has a specialised academic council for the defence of doctoral theses - D 35.052.03 (specialities: 08.00.03 – economics and management of the national economy; 08.00.04 – economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity)). Directly under the leadership of O.E. Kuzmin defended more than 25 doctoral theses and 100 candidate's theses, 6 candidates and 2 doctoral theses are being prepared for defence.

Employees of the department conduct training for the personnel of different enterprises such as: ("IMBO", Western Ukrainian branch of the European Business Association, Western Ukrainian Management Consulting, "Shidnoevropejska Podorozh", JSC "Avtonavantazhuvach", LLC "Ashan Ukraine Hypermarket", etc.). Consulting services are provided to the heads of organizations, farm contracts are concluded, such as: "Improvement of information support for the development of budgets in LLC "Mayak"" (2005, head O. Kuzmin); "Improvement of the management system and information support of the activity of the LLC Artem" (2005-2007, head O. Kuzmin); "Development of the diagnostic system activity of JSC " Avtonavantazhuvach " on the indicators basis" (2008, head O. Melnyk), "Improvement of the communications management system and intellectual property objects of JSC "Lviv Locomotive Repair Plant" (2008, head N. Shpak), "Research and improvement of the communications management system of the enterprise Media-West LLC" (2011-2013, head N. Shpak); "Systems development of professional managerial competencies of foremen of Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket LLC", 2017; "Strategy of sustainable development of the city of Pustomyty and the village of Navaria" (Head N. Duliaba, 2018-2020), etc

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