6 out of 82 winning projects of the research and development competition for young scientists are implemented by Lviv Polytechnicians

According to the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
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In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 16.08.2024 No. 1160, 168 projects were submitted for the competitive selection of projects of basic research, applied research, and scientific and technical (experimental) developments of young scientists, which are carried out by higher education institutions and scientific institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Based on the results of the scientific and scientific-technical examination of research and development projects and in accordance with Protocol Decision No. 2 at the meeting of the Competition Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 20 December 2024, a list of 82 research and/or development projects of young scientists who have passed the competitive selection have been approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 27 December 2024 No. 1801. Their funding will begin at the expense of the state budget of Ukraine in January 2025.

Among the winners of the competition there are 6 projects by researchers from Lviv Polytechnic National University:

Project name

Project manager



1 Development of methods and means of creating mobile cyber-physical systems with artificial intelligence for social, security and defence tasks Beshley Halyna 7. Information technologies and electronics 95.67
10 Improvement and development of passive methods of information protection against leakage via optoelectronic channel Korchak Bohdan 7. Information technologies and electronics 89.67
21 Technology of ensemble processing of multimodal Ukrainian-language datasets for classification of textual information Basystiuk Oleh 7. Information technologies and electronics 86
22 Innovative processes of sonocatalytic oxidation of dyes with heteroatoms (N/P/S) as organopolutants of aquatic environments based on nanocomposites of environmentally safe carbon nitride Sukhatskyi Yurii 5. Earth and environmental sciences 85.33
43 Development of technology for biodiesel production by cavitation method with preliminary fermentation of raw materials Demchuk Yurii 4. Chemistry, chemical technologies and pharmacy 81.67
56 Analysis of the impact of military operations on the spatial deformations of the Dnister hydropower complex by contact and remote methods Savchyn Ihor 5. Earth and environmental sciences 79.67

The research and development activities are crucial for the preservation and development of scientific potential and will contribute to national development and the solution of urgent problems of defence capability, economy and society of Ukraine.