Students-biotechnologists have met with the representatives of the Calsberg Ukraine company, which specializes in the production of beer, cider, kvas, and have listened to a lecture on lean manufacturing.
The lecture of the head of the direction of organization of lean production Michael Nadolsky (by the way, a graduate of Lviv Polytechnic) was about how to achieve a high performance of the enterprise. This is an organization of the workplace, rational arrangement of items, cleanliness of equipment, discipline, continuous improvement, communication with employees and their development.By adhering to the performance management system, you can achieve efficient work. Considerable attention should be given to the development of the employee in the enterprise, his/her career growth.
The lecturer stressed that the biggest loss for the employer – is the untapped talent. The company has a perfect system of leadership development - a career growth.
Leading specialist in staff, Oksana Snezhinsk, told the students about the basic principles of the enterprise. It was nice to hear that 70% of employees of Calsberg Ukraine are the graduates of Lviv Polytechnic.
The organizer of the meeting of students with potential employers – Department of Practice and Employment of the Lviv Polytechnic and the Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology (TBAPB).