From May 8 to May 12, 2023, faculty of the Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, the Institute of Geodesy, Lviv Polytechnic, including Khrystyna Burshtynska, Liubov Babii, Iryna Zaiats and Khrystyna Marusazh, delivered lectures within the framework of the NAWA program «Development of strategic partnership between the Warsaw University of Technology and Lviv Polytechnic National University in the field of Geomatics».
Academic mobility of teachers included teaching activities and participation in scientific and methodological activities.
The academics of our University had the opportunity to learn about the infrastructure of the Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, the Warsaw University of Technology, including modern equipment and software. They also attended lectures and seminars of Polish colleagues, and got acquainted with the structure and content of related academic disciplines and educational programs.
During their stay, Lviv Polytechnicians took part in scientific seminars of the Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, the Warsaw University of Technology, where they presented the results of their scientific research. During the seminars, there were discussions and an exchange of opinions regarding ways of developing future scientific cooperation (conducting joint research, internships, writing joint articles, preparing applications for international projects). The prospects of student academic mobility were also discussed.
Lviv Polytechnicians are grateful for the warm welcome and plan to continue cooperation with their colleagues from the Warsaw University of Technology!