For the second year in a row, the Department of Risk Management and Insurance of Krakow University of Economics headed by Professor Wanda Sułkowska together with the Department of Finance at Lviv Polytechnic National University hold an international scientific conference «Challenges for the insurance markets in Central and Eastern Europe».
The conference dealt with the issues of risk management at the international insurance market, current problems of the legal entities at the insurance market, new trends in social security, etc. Participants of the event also took part in the scientific seminar «Challenges for the pension system functioning in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution» within the framework of the project «Social and economic consequences of the Fourth Industrial Revolution».
Academics of the Department of Finance of the Institute of Economics and Management at Lviv Polytechnic, Professors Iryna Khoma and Vitalii Rysin, Associate Professors Pavlo Horyslavets and Oleksii Poburko, and Senior Lecturer Olena Pozniakova attended the conference.