The beginning of the week was special for Polytechnicians and for all Lvivvites who are in love with the space: American astronaut of Ukrainian origin Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper came to Lviv.
A closer acquaintance with Lviv began with a meeting with Andrii Sadovyi, the Mayor of Lviv. At that time, on the balcony of the City Hall, in the conversation over a cup of coffee, the Assistant Professor of the Institute of Geodesy of Lviv Polytechnic Liubov Yankiv-Vitkovska invited an American guest to read a few lectures for Polytechnic students. For Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper this offer was a pleasant surprise and she promised to think about it.
A large-scale meeting was held on the Feast of the Intercession at Tech StartUp School of Lviv Polytechnic. Mz. Heidemarie was impressed by a large number of people who filled the biggest room of the University. For two hours, the legendary NASA astronaut talked about the peculiarities and the experience of being and working on a space station.