On May 5, 2023, within the framework of the European Studies for Technical Specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS) project with the support of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program, an interactive event "Dissemination of Best Practices in Teaching European Studies and Creation of Interdisciplinary Programs in Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine: Exchange of Experience" was held online. The event was organized by the team of the Educational and Research Center "European Studies for Technical Universities" at Lviv Polytechnic.
During the theoretical panel discussion, Candidate in Political Science, Associate Professor Olha Ivasechko presented the work of Professor Yaryna Turchyn on the peculiarities of the development of European studies at Lviv Polytechnic National University, and Candidate in Political Science, Associate Professor Oleh Tsebenko presented 15 features of the EUSTS project and best practices of its implementation.
Anna Osmolovska, Director of the Educational and Research Institute for Academic Potential Development of Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Coordinator of the EU Information Center, PhD in Political Science, shared her progressive experience with the participants of the event and presented the report "Experience of Implementing Innovative Interdisciplinary Educational Programs and International Projects in the Context of Ukraine's European Integration: The Case of Stus University". The speaker focused on DonNU's international partnerships, which number more than seven dozen, priority areas of internationalization of education, international academic mobility, and best practices in implementing double degree programs with leading EU higher education institutions, which were launched and operate at Stus University.
Аnna Osmolovska focused on the peculiarities and content of new educational programs for the post-war recovery of Ukraine, such as: EP 053 "Rehabilitation Psychology in Emergency Situations", EP 232 "Social Entrepreneurship", EP 292 "Digital Business Diplomacy", Interdisciplinary EP (052+073) "Management of Post-Conflict Territories". The speaker also shared practical advice on the implementation of educational programs at the university aimed at training specialists for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. In addition, the speaker focused the audience's attention on a number of international projects currently being implemented at Stus University, namely Ukraine Digital: Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis, a DAAD-supported Learnopolis+ project; OPTIMA (Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia) Erasmus+ KA2 (cooperation projects): Higher Education Capacity Building; AMU Summer Schools project; CIVICA for Ukraine project; Future Ukraine - a scholarship program for refugees from Ukraine at German universities (2022-2026). The information about the work of the EU Information Center, which has been operating at DonNU since 2013 and has been holding the global flash mob #ErasmusDays, EU Career Days, webinars with European clubs in Ukraine, and the Chas.Opys project with schoolchildren, was also useful.
Another invited guest of the event was Professor Vira Lubenets, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor at Lviv Polytechnic National University, who is the academic coordinator of the Erasmus+ GoodPharma project. The speaker emphasized on the features and best practices of the project, the specifics of implementing the best European practices in the field of pharmacy in the national science and chemical industry.
Serhii Radio, Candidate in Chemical Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Scientific Department of Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Senior Researcher at the Research Laboratory "Chemistry of Polyoxometalates and Complex Oxide Systems", also shared his interesting experience. The topic of the report was the development of interdisciplinary educational programs in the field of natural sciences for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The speaker revealed the environmental consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war. He focused on the training of DonNU specialists in chemistry, biology, ecochemistry and ecology, who will play an important professional role in the post-war restoration of Ukraine's ecology.
The practical part of the event with the use of interactive teaching methods, was conducted with students of Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University by trainers in teaching methods, EUSTS project participants, Associate Professors of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Lviv Polytechnic Olha Ivasechko and Oleh Tsebenko. The students demonstrated a high level of knowledge and motivation to study European studies.
The event was joined by many participants (44 people in total) who actively asked questions, expressed their opinions and additions.
The event was organized under the leadership of the EUSTS project coordinator, Professor Yaryna Turchyn.
More information about EUSTS can be found on the project's website within the Lviv Polytechnic Portal.