During the week, students, post-graduates and lecturers from the Institute of Economics and Management of Lviv Polytechnic University had an opportunity to learn about the best practices in teaching and conducting research from Kingston University professors (London, UK) who participated in the teaching mobility program with the Department of Management and International Business of University. In particular, professors George Alexandrou and Ivan Zupic conducted a series of lectures for students within the speciality International Economic Relations.
A special impression on the Polytechnicians was made by George Alexandrou, whose lecture contained a simulation game of real-time management decisions for the English company, and a lecture by Ivan Zupic on how artificial intelligence and a large array of data affect the development of leading corporations’ strategies. The workshops and lectures devoted to the application of modern methods of scientific research and discussion of key factors of successful publication in Scopus journals were extremely interesting for lecturers and postgraduates.
In order to develop both educational mobility and scientific cooperation, there was a meeting of invited professors and the director of the Institute of Economics and Management Professor O. Kuzmin and the acting head of the Department of Management and International Business, Professor L. Chernobai. The areas of joint research and publication opportunities in British journals were discussed at the meeting.