Imagine a very accurate laser. So precise and subtle that if you point it to any surface, its properties will change a lot. For example, it will completely repel water. Or it will draw a lot of light.
«Well, this is some nanotechnology!» you will say. And you’re right – it’s really nanotechnology. Only it is produced not somewhere in the States, Europe or Japan, but right here in Lviv.
The creator of the technology is Yaroslav Hnilitskyi, an Assistant at the Department of Photonics of the Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic. Being born in Kyiv region, at first he entered Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the Radioengineering Faculty, but later got interested in lasers and transferred to the Department of Laser Systems and Physical Technologies. In 2013, he went to Italy to work on his dissertation at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. There, due to modern laser equipment, Yaroslav managed to develop several new techniques for surface treatment at the nanolevel. According to him, many companies and universities got very interested in them.
Novinano Laser Laboratory was opened in early 2019. Drawing on five years’ experience at an Italian university, Yaroslav set up the necessary equipment himself and taught people. In addition to SoftServe, foreign and Ukrainian investors put money into the project.
Six people and several students work at Novinano. The researcher is proud to say that they have given impetus to Ukrainian science. After all, the laboratory cooperates with major Ukrainian universities from Lviv to Kharkiv, as well as with enterprises – from chemical to printing. Students do their researches there, and academics got also involved. The master of the laboratory conducts a course of lectures on laser technologies in Lviv Polytechnic.
The co-founders want to achieve business effect and real manufacturing implementation of this technology in two years. In Novinano they understand that the project may fail financially. But it will still have a big positive impact on science.
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