Department of Information and Measurement Technologies, ICTA, held a training within the framework of the QMSEEI project

Department of Information and Measurement Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic
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On 5–6 March 2025, Lviv Polytechnic National University held a training to promote and study the dissemination of the European experience on quality management in education and industry in Ukraine. The event was held within the framework of the international educational project European Experience in Implementing Quality Management Systems for Products and Services, № 101085516 – QMSEEI – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH. Representatives of educational institutions, enterprises and organisations from western Ukraine attended the event.

The training was opened by Yurii Kostiv, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, who emphasised the relevance of the event and stressed that Lviv Polytechnic, despite the high results achieved in national rankings, continues to work on improving the quality of educational services using European experience.

The training program was rich and interesting. Over the course of two days, 12 presentations were made and practical classes were held.

  • Professor Tetiana Bubela, Head of the Department of Information and Measurement Technologies, spoke about the risk-based approach in ISO 9001.
  • Alla Ivanyshyn, Associate Professor at the Department of Information and Measurement Technologies and QMSEEI Project Manager, shared European and international approaches to quality management, as well as the specifics of certification and internal audits of quality management systems for products and services.
  • Professor Roman Baitzar, the Department of Information and Measurement Technologies, made a presentation on personnel in the quality management system – development, motivation, and conformity assessment.
  • Professor Vasyl Yatsuk, Department of Information and Measurement Technologies, spoke about the digitalisation of quality assurance based on European experience.

The participants actively took part in discussions, exchanged knowledge and experience on the management and quality assurance of products and educational services. Following the training, a test was conducted to confirm that the participants had mastered the knowledge on the topics discussed.

The participants highly appreciated the organisation and content of the course, and expressed their hope to continue cooperation, further exchange of experience with Lviv Polytechnic experts as well as study of European experience in various fields.

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