Helping our soldiers and forcibly displaced persons are two areas of activity that have remained a priority for Lviv Polytechnicians since the first day of the full-scale war.
Not a day goes by that the Center for the Collection of Humanitarian Aid of Lviv Polytechnic does not send to the front what our soldiers desperately need. According to Volodymyr Shepitchak, head of the Center, in a few weeks it was possible to buy three cars for the needs of the Armed Forces, who are currently fighting in the south of our country. Medicine, hygiene and food products were also handed over.
Another car was also purchased for the collected contributions of our University. Along with the vehicles, quadcopters, camouflage nets, household chemicals, hygiene products, food products, and cigarettes were transferred to the front line.
Volunteer activity of Polytechnic students deserves special attention. Since February 24, they have been working tirelessly with forcibly displaced persons who are temporarily staying in the sports buildings of the University. The Polytechnic Alumni Association initiated financial incentives for such students. Ihor Pavlishevskyi, Chairman of the Association board, and Birendra Kumar Singh, member of the board, founder and general director of «Svitchay» and the construction company «BisanBud», thanked the youth for their active position in such a difficult time.
― Today it is important to support those who donate their time for volunteering. I express sincere gratitude to the board of the Alumni Association for supporting our volunteers. Our students, in my opinion, can be an example for many. After all, they actually help those who find themselves in extremely difficult circumstances due to the occupation or active hostilities in their hometowns or villages without days off or rest. Polytechnicians have been working with forcibly displaced persons since the first day of the war, providing them with everything they need, said Roman Korzh, Vice-Rector for Education and Social Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University.