The E-marketing project team (Erasmus+ JMM) teachers held activities for students within the "Eco-week" framework

Department of Marketing and Logistics
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On September 25, 3rd-year logistics students together with assoc. prof. Taisiia ​​Nakonechna and assoc. prof. Dovhun Oksana visited PJSC "Lviv Brewery" Carlsberg Group. The company's employees talked about the main supply stages, production and sales. Students saw how several production stages  take place on various equipment and automated bottling and packaging lines. It is important that the company is constantly improving, and every time, students learn about new products and more optimal approaches of the marketing and logistics organization.

"Klepka brewery" – a mini-brewery – started working at the plant, the number of non-alcoholic beverages types is increasing, cooperation with Ukrainian suppliers is being established (100% of barley is purchased in Ukraine), the company is improving processes using the 5S model, the PDCA model (plan, do, check, influence) , products are exported to more than 18 countries.

It is important that this company is an European experience spreading example and work to support global goals in the field of climate and nature, sustainable development in general – this broadens the students' horizons about how every business and its employees can influence the environment preservation. The program "Together to ZERO and beyond" is part of the SAIL'27 corporate strategy. The program means achieving ZERO carbon footprint, ZERO water loss, ZERO packaging waste, ZERO agricultural footprint, ZERO irresponsible consumption and ZERO accidents. Carlsberg Group also joined the Planet Pledge – an international commitment by marketers to create sustainable communications.

Lviv Brewery and Carlsberg Group in general make an economic contribution to Ukraine, have humanitarian and charitable initiatives and are a very responsible employer that follows a program of diversity, justice and inclusion, develops staff, conducts internships for young people, so the students were interested in this information.

The "Eco-week" organizers  thank leading HR specialist Oksana Mykolaivna Snezhynska and technologist Mr. Roman for conducting the educational tour.

On September 30, undergraduate students listened to a lecture on «European trends, practices and approaches to the eco-conscious behavior formation», where they were introduced to:

  • current European programs and initiatives in the conscious consumption field;
  • the practices of European countries aimed at the eco-conscious behavior formation of citizens;
  • the environmental policy of global and local companies, such as Carlsberg, Enzym, Biosphere;
  • the conscious consumer concept and a conscious lifestyle.

At the end, a quiz on the topic "Conscious Consumer" was held for the students. Teams of participants solved test tasks, guessed the true or false statements, solved riddles and also presented the developed "Eco-newspaper" of the future 2050 with potential news for the world, if humanity does not start to be more environmentally conscious.

Presentations and tasks for the participants were prepared by the event organizers – Assoc. prof. Dovhun Oksana, Assoc. prof. Nakonechna Taisiia, Assoc. prof. Nataliia Mashchak.

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