In 2018, the Exporter School for Beginners was launched on the initiative of Lviv Regional State Administration, Lviv Chamber of Commerce, Lviv Polytechnic National University and Association of Professional Customs Brokers. The task of the School is to help small and medium-sized businesses master the basics of export activity and acquire practical skills to enter external markets for the successful sale of their goods abroad.
Within the framework of the project there were 8 modules, 16 hours of intensive course on the topics:
- preliminary selection of target markets and their research, in particular marketing analysis as a tool for determining the readiness of goods for export;
- tariff and non-tariff measures for export regulation;
- developing an export strategy for a beginner entrepreneur;
- financial and economic justification of efficiency and pricing in export activities (Incoterms);
- customs regimes, customs clearance of export operations, Approved Exporter status;
- terms of product certification and international restrictions;
- peculiarities of export contracts;
- B2C export: how e-commerce channel works.
During 10 months of 2018, the export of goods by enterprises in the Lviv region totaled an estimated $1550.8 million, grew by 20.4%. Foreign trade operations were carried out by partners from 160 countries of the world. Exports of goods to the European Union totaled $1236.6 million (79.7% of the total) and increased by 25.1% compared to January-October 2017.