The first meeting of Lviv Polytechnic Academic Board in the new academic year

Iryna Martyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
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The meeting began with the introduction of the new Directors of the Institutes and the presentation of the Certificates of Appreciation to their predecessors. The agenda included the readiness of the University, in particular its material and technical base, the state of labour protection and fire safety, and the readiness of the leadership of Institutes and Departments for the new academic year.

New Directors were elected at six Institutes: the Institute of Architecture and Design is headed now by Yurii Dyba, the Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems by Petro Kholod, the Institute of Geodesy by Ihor Savchyn, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies by Nataliia Shakhovska, the Institute of Economics and Management by Mykhailo Honchar, and the Institute of Printing Art and Media Technologies, which was created on the basis of the former Ukrainian Academy of Printing, by Yaroslav Uhryn.

The long-time Directors, whose terms in these positions have come to an end, were thanked for always working faithfully and conscientiously for the development of their Institutes, taking care of the good name of Lviv Polytechnic and putting their hearts and souls into the formation of worthy graduates. The Rector of the University Yurii Bobalo presented them with etchings made for this event by Serhii Ivanov, Honored Artist of Ukraine, a world-renowned artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, winner of international awards, including ones in Belgium, the USA, Italy, and Poland, who is also an Associate Professor at the Department of Graphics and Book Art at the Institute of Printing Art and Media Technologies.

Iryna Khomyshyn, Deputy Director for Scientific and Pedagogical Work at the Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education, received a Certificates of Appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Both issues on the agenda concerned the University’s readiness for the new academic year. Volodymyr Kraiovskyi, Vice-Rector for Training and Production, made a report «On the readiness of the University’s material and technical base for the new academic year and the state of labour protection and fire safety at Lviv Polytechnic». Viktor Shtets, head of the newly created Department of Visual Design and Art at IARD, and Ivan Paraliukh, head of the training laboratory at the Department of Electronic Computing Machines at ICTA took part in the discussion. They positively assessed the level of preparation for the new academic year, especially when it came to the premises of the new VDA Department.

Among the approved issues there was a recommendation to develop and implement measures for the University functioning during the heating season, taking into account the requirements of martial law, as well as to formulate a plan for repair and restoration work in 2025 in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan of the University.

Oleh Davydchak, Vice-Rector for Graduate Education, reported on the readiness of the leadership of the University’s Institutes and Departments for the new academic year, carefully analyzing the state of the educational laboratories, the shortcomings identified under the Director’s control, and the state of the provision of bases for student internships. Bohdan Dziniak, Head of the Department of Organic Products Technology of ICCT, spoke on this issue.

After hearing and discussing the report, the Academic Board decided to take into account the information about the readiness of the leadership of the University’s Institutes and Departments for the new academic year, and informed relevant persons to work on eliminating the unsatisfactory condition at some training laboratories, to organize the regulation of the training laboratories at the Departments, and asked the Directors of the Institutes and Heads of the Departments to ensure the organization of internships (industrial and pre-diploma) at enterprises and institutions, etc.

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