One of the most anticipated events – the opening of five powerful modern laboratories at the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies – will take place at Lviv Polytechnic on September 10. This is one of the many areas of cooperation within the large-scale project of ROSHEN Corporation «To the top with ROSHEN», which is aimed at comprehensive qualitative changes in the system of education and science in Ukraine, and in particular at Lviv Polytechnic.
– The ability to work on modern equipment is the requirement of the modern labour market. Therefore, the issue of updating the material base is one of the priorities for the University. The specialized laboratory of technological processes of food production at the Department of Organic Products Technology was chosen to be updated as part of the project «To the top with ROSHEN». It is envisaged that in such a laboratory students will receive knowledge that can be immediately applied in practice in all food industries in Ukraine and abroad. Also, large-scale renovations took place in the main laboratories of the Department of Organic Chemistry. Here students can gain general knowledge in the field of Organic Chemistry, learn to work with basic equipment, design organic syntheses and so on. In the future, such updates will take place in other laboratories of ICCT, said Roman Nebesnyi, Head of the Research and Development Department of Lviv Polytechnic.
– Now laboratories of the highest level have been created at Polytechnic. After studying here, students will be able to work on the latest equipment. It is worth noting that ROSHEN has completely replaced the equipment and renovated the premises itself in accordance with the rules of arrangement and work established for the production and analytical laboratories. ROSHEN did not just finance the creation of laboratories – its specialists took an active part in the selection of equipment. In particular, they bought: infrared spectrometer, spectrophotometers, automatic titrators, centrifuges and much more. All equipment has licensed software. Some devices have separate computers connected, explained the Head of the Research and Development Department of Lviv Polytechnic.
One of the greatest advantages of creating such modern laboratories, Roman Nebesnyi sees in the fact that students will gain relevant knowledge and awareness of this will motivate them to study better. Another component is the encouragement of the academic staff, as work in modern conditions also motivates to develop. It is envisaged that in addition to the priority area – student education, master’s and postgraduate students will conduct research in these laboratories.