Tech StartUp School of Lviv Polytechnic National University welcomed the Honorary Professor of Lviv Polytechnic, the Director General of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Erfurt, Professor Gerald Grusser (Thuringia, Germany). The meeting was organized by the Director of the German-Ukrainian Education Center Denys Nevinskyi.
Besides getting acquainted with the activities of the University Startup School, the guest discussed with the Lviv Polytechnicians the possibility of cooperation. In particular, it was agreed that the Heads of the Departments of Thuringia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who are engaged in innovations and startups, would come to the final of the StartUp Breakthrough competition (held on December 6–8, 2018). This will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the best works of the contestants and to select those that will be presented in Germany. Also, for the contestants there will be master classes on the effective development of startups, based on the German experience.
And in May 2019, during the Summit between Thuringia and Ukraine, with the participation of the Prime Minister of Thuringia, for the whole day the Tech StartUp School of Lviv Polytechnic will present its developments and achievements and share plans for the future with German businessmen and government officials.