On October 6–13, 2021, Olga Tikhonova, PhD, representative of the Center of Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD) at the Faculty of Architecture, the University of Lisbon (FA-ULisboa) in Portugal, a former graduate of Lviv Polytechnic, delivered guest lectures at the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals, Lviv Polytechnic. The lecture material was published on the topic «Type «fortified palace»: history, methodology, and revalorization» for students majoring in «Architecture, restoration of works of art and design», the DAF Department. There was also a workshop with a trip to Pidhirtsi Castle.
The topics of the lectures corresponded to the study programs of the history of architecture, history of arts, history of arts and architecture of Ukraine, as well as cultural identity in design. At the workshop, students were given a task by the methodology of research of bastion castles and their type – «fortified palace». All students successfully coped with the task and showed a high level of analysis and masterful graphics.
As part of the Guest Lecturer program, several online meetings were held with representatives of the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals, headed by Professor Svitlana Linda, and the Department of Architecture and Restoration, headed by Professor Mykola Bevz. There was also a meeting with the director of the Institute of Architecture and Design Bohdan Cherkes. At the meetings, plans for further cooperation between Lviv Polytechnic IARD and the guest lecturer were discussed, including opportunities for joint grant projects and future cooperation.
The guest lectures were organized by Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska, a lecturer at the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals, who in 2014 was responsible for organizing the Erasmus-Infinity student exchange program, due to which Olga Tikhonova went to Lisbon to study for a PhD.