On January 22, 2021, the Head of the Department of International Information, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor Vasyl Hulai, gave speech at the international scientific conference Kształtowanie obywatelstwa europejskiego w społeczeństwach posttotalitarnych. Refleksje 15 latach od rozszerzenia Unii Europejskiej, organized within the ShareEU project by the Institute of European Studies, the Jagiellonian University, Republic of Poland.
The conference was dedicated to the changes taking place in Europe in the context of:
- transition from non-democratic systems (totalitarian and authoritarian) to democracy;
- formation of civil society in post-totalitarian societies;
- changes that took place in Central and Eastern Europe before and after enlargement in 2004, with particular emphasis on the issue of national and European identity;
- memory of totalitarianisms in post-totalitarian countries (comparative perspective).
Scholars from Poland, Italy, Romania and Slovakia got interested in the report of the only Ukrainian representative, who thoroughly analyzed the preconditions, nature and consequences of the transformation of the place and role of civil society leaders in Ukraine from Euromaidan in autumn 2013 to the present.