Recently, Nazarii Andrushchak, the Head of the Project Office, Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer-Aided Design, Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic, had the opportunity to share his experience of successful project management within the Horizon 2020 program by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) with representatives from different European countries, who for January 16–17, 2020, arrived at Coordinators’ Day in Brussels, Belgium.
– Two years ago at Lviv Polytechnic, we started implementing our IMAGE project entitled Innovative Optical/Quasioptical Technologies and NanoEngineering of Anisotropic Materials for Creating Active Cells with Substantially Improved Energy Efficiency within Horizon 2020 (RISE). Moreover, our University became the first coordinator of such a program in Ukraine. Last year, during one of the mid-term meetings in Poland, where we reported on our activities within our consortium with the involvement of a project officer from Brussels, I made several reports on the results of the project. After a while, our project officer contacted me and invited to join the annual Coordinators’ Day in Brussels and share the experience of running the project with new coordinators. Of course, I agreed. It allowed not only to tell about the project and its results to EU researchers who could potentially become our partners, but also to show Lviv Polytechnic as the main coordinator of this project to the representatives of different universities and organizations in Europe, said Nazarii Andrushchak.
During his presentation in Brussels, Nazarii Andrushchak spoke about the peculiarities of this project to over 150 representatives from different countries, including peculiarities of coordinating a consortium of universities and private enterprises and difficulties that may arise during such interaction, as well as gave recommendations on how to overcome them.
– This is important to us. After all, the IMAGE project of Lviv Polytechnic is demonstrative: with proper documentation, meeting deadlines and business trips, as well as promotion of project results for target groups. In other words, I demonstrated the approaches to manage the project properly, achieve goals and meet all deadlines, said the Head of the Project Office.