Director of the Institute of Architecture speaks at the International Conference «Breakthrough in Architectural Modernism» in Berlin

IARCH, Lviv Polytechnic
Богдан Черкес

On November 22–24, 2019, an International Conference on the Breakthrough in Architectural Modernism took place in Berlin. The program of the event included professional reports from 12 representatives of scientific circles of Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Hungary.

Professor Bohdan Cherkes, Director of the Institute of Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University, represented Ukraine at the conference. On November 22, he gave a presentation «Architect Ferdynand Kassler and Other Jewish Architects in Lviv During the Interwar Period,» presenting life and work of such architects as F. Kassler, B. Schultz, and S. Wiesenthal and their influence on the development of architecture in Lviv and some other cities in the region.