In the final of the free four-week marathon «Introduction to SQL» took place the defense of projects being prepared by the participating teams for almost 5 weeks. The jury chose 10 teams that managed to defend their projects and present them to the public.
Among these teams there are representatives of the Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Space Kittens Team, Mosaik Information System Project (III place)
Team members: Taras, Liuba, Alina, Roman and Marichka, second and third year students of the Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic.
They created a bot that offers the user historical information on the mosaics at the specified address in Lviv. You can also view detailed coordinates and locations of historical monuments on the map and search within a radius of 2 km.
High Five team, Vyshehram project to help with information about Ukrainian universities (VII place)
Team members: Kyrylo, Vlad, Yura, Yurko and Bohdan, second and third year students of the Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic.
The aim of the project is to create a convenient platform for finding information about universities and to help students, researchers and parents choose the best university.