On 4 March 2025, Oksana Horda, Oksana Trumko and Halyna Boyko, researchers at the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, took part in a roundtable discussion on Language Assessment: From National Experience to European Standards. The meeting was organised by the National Commission on the Standards of the State Language.
The main issues discussed were the current problems of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language (UFL). In particular, they discussed assessment requirements in accordance with the practice of the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE), certification of proficiency levels in Ukrainian as a foreign language, the implementation of European standards in the assessment process and the experience of linguistic educators in this regard.
The report by Oksana Horda and Oksana Trumko «Certification Problems of the Ukrainian as a foreign language for children: current state and prospects» dealt with the request for certification of language skills for students of Ukrainian language schools abroad. The speakers focused on the important actions and steps taken by the IECDR to address this issue, including a number of scientific and methodological events (forums, conferences, seminars, roundtables) that have been discussion platforms for exchanging views in this context for many years. They provided the examples of the levels of language proficiency and age groups of students who take exams in other languages, including English, French, and Polish. They explained why certification of knowledge of Ukrainian as a foreign language is important for students of Saturday and Sunday schools, as well as for children who continue their studies abroad after the full-scale invasion.
Halyna Boiko’s presentation «Ukrainian Language in Ukrainian Studies Saturday and Sunday Schools: Development of a Children’s Standard and Methodological Recommendations» focused on the idea of preserving, learning and evaluating Ukrainian as a foreign language abroad in children’s classrooms. The speaker emphasised that the introduction of a children’s language standard developed on the basis of the CEFR is essential for the effective teaching of Ukrainian in diaspora Saturday and Sunday schools, and will improve the quality of education and strengthen the connection of Ukrainian children abroad with their native language and culture.
The IECDR expresses its sincere gratitude to the National Commission on the Standards of the State Language, in particular to Olha Hrytsenko, for the invitation to the event, meaningful communication and the opportunity to share experience.