Associate Professor and two students of the Department of Automotive Engineering of the Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport have developed a new methodology for the work of wind turbines.
The project manager Roman Zinko started his work on the turbine in 2013. Six months ago, the academic remembered his project and decided to restart working on it again. He asked two students – Bohdan Skoryk and Volodymyr Rudyi, the fourth-year students of the Department, to help him.
As the result they developed a methodology that can be applied while installing wind power stations and can optimize their work.
– The blades we developed start working at a wind speed of 3–4 m/s, and give the same good result as the turbines working at a wind speed of 7 m/s. I wish someone would order such a turbine. We have an experimental model, but we need funds to make a prototype. That’s why I am currently negotiating with EcoEst about the possibility of manufacturing and installing the complex of solar panels and our wind turbine. Such a complex is very effective: if there is no sun – there is wind, and vice versa. It is extremely relevant, especially in winter: during this period, the illumination is low, so the efficiency of solar panels is only 30%. In addition, samples mounted on roofs get often covered in snow, so they do not work at all. But there is always some wind, says Roman Zinko.
According to the Associate Professor, the work on the project has not only a public but an educational goal as well. During their study students acquire mostly the theory, and the work on the wind turbine let Polytecnicians get some practice. Recently, Bohdan and Volodymyr have demonstrated the acquired knowledge by participating in Podilsk open competition of student scientific and technical works «Energy efficiency in industry, agriculture, urban development and household», organized by Khmelnytskyi National University, where they took the second place in the section «The higher education».