On March 14-15, 2019, the Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology at Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted the І International Scientific and Practical Conference on Psychology of National Security and Well-Being of Personality.
The conference participants were addressed by the Director of the Institute, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Volodymyr Ortynskyi, as well as by foreign guests: Charles F. Misja, a practicing psychologist, Ph.D, Executive Director at the North Coast Family Foundation, OH (USA), who studies post-traumatic stress disorder; Jan Telus, Rector of Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa, Ph.D, Professor; Jolanta Góral-Półrola, Vice-rector for the development of Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa, Dr. hab., Professor; and Julia Borusinska, Ukrainian students coordinator at Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa.
At the conference participants discussed theoretical and methodological foundations of psychology of national security, psychological security of the individual in society, psychological security of the state, psychology of life success and overcoming life crises, psychological well-being and safety of pedagogical staff, as well as participated in different master classes.