Recently, the scientific group of the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, which operates at ITRE of Lviv Polytechnic, received funding from Horizon 2020 program, informed its Head, Professor at the Department of Electronic Devices, Pavlo Stakhira.
Investigating OLED spectra
This is already the second grant for the last two years, which our university received from the largest European Union program for funding researches and innovations. The first one is run by Anatolii Andrushchak’s scientific group.
– Our innovative project, which involves 11 partners, is Emitters, Which Do Not Contain Heavy Metals For The Latest Light Sources. This is about OLED technology. It is known that images form three basic colors – blue, green, and red. Color gamut is received by their variation. In OLED technology, the weakest link is the operation of blue pixels. Thus we are working on a highly efficient blue emitter, explains Mr. Stakhira.
The interlocutor notes that modern highly efficient OLED glow blue for only 500 hours, while green and red – twice as many, which, in its turn, reduces the competitiveness of OLED in the commercial market.
The objective of the project is to synthesize and implement into production the materials that would not contain rare-earth ions, but would improve current world analogues. Therefore, our scientists model and synthesize such molecules, investigate the characteristics of materials, perform the tests and on their basis create devices.
What opportunities does the participation in the Horizons-2020 provide for Stakhira’s research group? First of all, the internships are held at the partner companies in Germany, France and Lithuania. Also Lviv Polytechnic will receive funds for organizing conferences, seminars, for inviting lecturers and buying various materials. However, unfortunately, it is not possible to buy the equipment, notes the interlocutor.