Job search issues for students and graduates have always been relevant, as most of them start working while studying. However, students often face various difficulties, for example: lack of experience, inability to properly present themselves to an employer, problems with writing a successful resume. These and other factors cause many obstacles on the way to the dream job. However, there is a way out of any situation.
Today, there are various opportunities to find a first job, and Polytechnic students have an additional one – they can contact the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations. We talked about this in more detail with its Head Svitlana Hladun.
– How should a student start looking for a job?
– Students must use all available resources: personal acquaintances, recommendations, job search sites and university offers. Modern Internet, mobile and other technologies provide additional resources that make the employment process more efficient, simple and convenient. The employment process has several stages and it is good for a student to go through each of them in order to be satisfied with a future job.
First of all, you have to realize your own desire and determine the criteria for future job, analyze your capabilities, monitor the labour market. It is very important to write a good resume.
Internship during study is also an important stage, as it provides a student with an opportunity to get acquainted with the specifics of his profession and is an adaptive step to future professional activity. Many students who were responsible for their internships received good job offers. That’s why it’s important.
We are approached by many employers who want to attract students to their companies for internships and in the long run – employment. We constantly post all these offers on the website of Lviv Polytechnic in the section «Job and Career proposals», on social networks and inform the relevant Departments. At presentations, trainings, webinars that we organize, employers talk about the peculiarities of recruitment, requirements for applicants, current job offers, etc. Students and alumni can also send us their resume, which we will recommend to the appropriate employer.