Logistic students visited the pharmaceutical industry leading enterprise "Halychpharm" JSC

Department of Marketing and Logistics
Фото з відвідин підприємства

Logistic students of the bachelor’s and master’s levels visited the pharmaceutical industry leading enterprise "Halychpharm" JSC.

"Halychpharm" JSC is a leader in the field of ready-made medicinal products production, phytochemical substances based on the extraction of herbal medicinal raw materials. Today, the production range includes about 87 generic and original medicines. "Halychpharm" JSC successfully passed the audit of the Medicines State Service of Ukraine regarding compliance and harmonization of the medicines production conditions with European requirements and received indefinite licenses for the production and wholesale trade of medicines.

During the excursion, the students were introduced to:

  • With the more than 100-year history of the "Halychpharm" JSC development in the light of different time periods and geopolitical events;
  • With changes in the "Halychpharm" JSC work caused by the russian military invasion (change in sales markets, change in supply logistics, etc.);
  • With the specifics of compliance with international standards of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Distribution Practice (GDP);
  • With the peculiarities and intricacies of the logistics department work, which has about 300 employees;
  • With the specifics of "Halychpharm" JSC compliance in its production activities with the sustainable development concept, which consists in: ensuring in natural environment protection, production improvement and management processes, resource efficiency.

At the end of the tour, the logistics department specialist involved students in a simulation game on optimizing the work of the supply chain links, where they gained communication and analytical skills for effective interaction to achieve results.

Students and teachers of marketing and logistics department are pleasantly surprised by the high level of "Halychpharm" JSC development, implemented European practices and socially responsible business management.

We are sincerely grateful to Ms. Maryana Ivashinia and the team of "Halychpharm" JSC specialists for an interesting and informative excursion.

With the assistance of the "Logistics" section head, Ph.D., assistant professor of the Marketing and Logistics Department Nataliia Chornopyska and the creative team of project "Dissemination of EU practices through E-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency" Oksana Dovhun, Nataliia Mashchak, Taisiia Nakonechna.