Lviv Polytechnic has completed an elective course within the framework of the EU_LEAD project with the support of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme ‘EU Global Responsible Leadership: Climate Change, Environmental Protection and Humanitarian Aid’ for students majoring in International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies (International Relations) at Lviv Polytechnic National University. Lectures and seminars of the course were held online from 12 November 2024 to 3 January 2025. This year, 69 students attended the elective course, which is ten students more than in the previous year, divided into three groups. Upon completion of the elective, students who successfully passed the course received a certificate of participation.
It is worth noting that the purpose of introducing an interactive interdisciplinary course in European Studies is to study the content of the European Union's global leadership through the prism of three key dimensions, namely: promotion of climate values, environmental protection and humanitarian aid.
It is worth noting that the purpose of introducing an interactive interdisciplinary course in European Studies is to study the content of the European Union's global leadership through the prism of three key dimensions, namely: promoting climate values, environmental protection, and humanitarian assistance. The proposed module also aims to develop knowledge about the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the evolution of the European Union's subjectivity in modern global politics, the projection of EU power in support of Ukraine through the provision of powerful humanitarian aid, the introduction of a special mechanism for the protection of Ukrainian refugees, the launch of EUAM and EUMAM missions, EU plans, programmes, initiatives for the post-war green recovery of Ukraine, as well as the EU's support capacity under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, etc. The module will allow students to develop both theoretical knowledge of EU foreign policy and practical skills in projecting EU power in today's changing world. This will not only enhance the understanding of EU leadership in global politics, but will also facilitate the process of engaging the general public, academics, and students in internal transformations in Ukraine in line with European standards and norms.
The graduates will be able to apply this knowledge in their professional activities, better understand the EU's subjectivity, its role as a global responsible leader, mainly in the field of climate and humanitarian diplomacy, environmental protection, and promote European values.
The training sessions were accompanied by a number of additional events, such as public lectures by invited speakers and a meeting of the EU for YOU Euroclub. It is valuable that the course was also attended by foreign expert scholars who shared their experience, approach and vision on the issues covered by the course. These included a lecture-discussion by Krystyna Leszczynska-Wiczmanowska, Professor of Political Systems and Human Rights at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland), on the topic ‘Green Deal as the European Union's response to the climate crisis’; a public lecture by Malgorzata Wasilenko, Director of the Regional Office of the Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship in Brussels, on the topic: ‘The functioning and tasks of regional offices in Brussels’; a meeting of the EU for YOU Euro Club with Katarzyna Maciejewska-Mieszkowska, Professor at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland), on the topic of environmental and climate protection in the perception of Polish society.
The next event will be the Evening of Meet the Ambassadors and Ambassadors of European Youth on 19 March 2025, as well as a large-scale event - the Bilateral Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Forum, which will take place on 15-16 May 2025.
Prof. Yaryna Turchyn, Associate Professor Olga Ivasechko, and Associate Professor Oleh Tsebenko presented their knowledge of the EU's global responsible leadership during the Euro module.