Lviv Polytechnic launches a tutoring program for first-year students

Tutoring and Mentoring Center, Lviv Polytechnic
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The Tutoring and Mentoring Center at Lviv Polytechnic informs that for the first time a tutoring program for first-year students will be launched as part of the PROMENT project at the University.

The tutoring program is an initiative aimed at helping students of higher education institutions. The tutoring component brings senior and first-year students together to help newcomers feel more confident in the university environment.

The target audience is first-year students who need support in adapting to a new educational environment, understanding academic expectations and managing their studies.

Who is in the tutoring program?

  • A tutor is a senior student who helps junior students (tutees) to adapt to the university environment and accompanies them in their studies.
  • A tutee is a first/second year student, international or newly arrived (internally displaced) student who needs support in adapting to the university environment.

The tutoring program provides organizational, informational and psychological support, promoting the development of learning skills, socialization and independence in the new educational environment. Various forms of work are offered to accelerate students’ adaptation and improve their learning experience, including individual consultations and group activities.

The first-year student will receive opportunities for:

  • social integration and personal growth;
  • smooth integration into university life;
  • faster adaptation to the learning environment;
  • mastering difficult subjects;
  • learning about typical mistakes that can be avoided on their student journey;
  • improving self-organization through meetings with the Tutor;
  • expanding the circle of business acquaintances with the help of a Tutor;
  • finding motivation: this relationship is not only about real help, but also about moral support.

Registration is open until 30 September 2024.

Read more about the project