The new academic year for directors of Lviv Polytechnic Institutes began with training at the Leadership School, which is coordinated by Nadiia Liubomudrova, head of the Department of Employee Training and Development. The topic of the event was «Situational leadership in the style of coaching». It was held at the Polytechnic-4 Recreational Camp in Zozuli village.
Yurii Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic, and Liliia Zhuk, Vice-Rector for Education and Strategic Development, Lviv Polytechnic, also took part in the training.
― In the modern world, the role of leaders is one of the most decisive. A leader (and this is a manager) performs an extremely important role in conditions of dynamic uncertainty and constantly changing conditions, because he sets the vector of movement and development of his team. It is the ideas of leaders that shape our reality at workplaces, their words and actions become guidelines for the behaviour of the staff, add confidence when we do something for the first time. In fact, employees are ready to believe and work for results in an organization where a clear, systematic, and confident leadership is established. During training sessions, I quite often hear the question from managers: «How to make employees want to work at our University, to understand and share strategic goals, to perform their work effectively and efficiently?». Such activities help through various exercises to understand which primary tasks of leaders are, – says Nadiia Liubomudrova.
When organizing the event, Nadiia Liubomudrova pays attention not only to filling it with educational material, but also to creating an atmosphere that encourages discussion.
― At the training, the directors of the Institutes actively discussed current personnel problems and possible options for their solution, individual approaches to employee motivation. We paid attention to the maturity levels of employees and what leadership style is the most effective in a specific case: when you need to clearly create the algorithm of what to do and how to do it; when to involve employees in discussing ideas or tasks; when to support initiatives, and when to delegate the management function and entrust the execution of critical tasks. This approach is aimed at creating an atmosphere of professional growth and personal development, appreciation and importance of the work of each Polytechnician. Training participants had the opportunity to practically assess their range and potential of situational leadership, try out their own motivational strategy for achieving goals, experience positive imitation, exchange opinions and analyze situations in structural units, – explained Nadiia Liubomudrova.
An additional educational bonus during the trip for all participants was the fascinating story of Andrii Pavlyshyn, head of the Promotion Center, about interesting facts from the history of Polytechnic and its scientific schools, as well as about personalities who at different times contributed to the formation of our University.