Founded more than 200 years ago, Lviv Polytechnic has been steadily cultivating Ukrainian technical elite, developing and multiplying rich scientific and educational traditions, occupying a worthy place among the most reputable institutions of higher education in our country. It is the oldest technical university in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
The inscription Litteris et Artibus – Science and Art – on the pediment of the main building of Lviv Polytechnic – still remains relevant, as it was at that time. It is precisely due to this fundamental concept the whole human civilization progress moves forward.
From year to year University is constantly expanding international cooperation. Lviv Polytechnic is a member of a number of international university and student associations, including the European University Association (EUA), the Association of the Carpathian Region Universities, the Alliance of Universities for Democracy and the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience IAESTE. More than 100 agreements on joint scientific researches and student and academic exchange programs have been signed with foreign universities and scientific institutions.
According to various international education rankings, Lviv Polytechnic National University is one of the top five Ukrainian universities of higher education.