On September 25, 2021, Lviv Polytechnic National University took part in the OL Science Festival, organized by the team of the Lviv Youth Center for Innovative Education Lviv Open Lab (format – learning through entertainment). The event took place in Stryiskyi Park, and Polytechnicians joined the block of the Science-Action festival, where participants presented their master classes.
Parents and children, as well as teenagers who visited the festival, had the opportunity to get acquainted with the following physical and chemical experiments and demonstrations:
- acquaintance with the properties of liquid nitrogen;
- colour reactions with aqueous salt solutions;
- superconduction levitation;
- self-ignition of a wooden slice;
- the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction;
- eruption;
- electromagnetic train;
- imitation of red; non-Newtonian fluid;
- arc discharge;
- potatoes – galvanic cell;
- Microsoft flight simulator;
- Zhukovsky’s bench.
Additionally, the festival participants could get acquainted with the work of a quadcopter (piloting and aerial photography), as well as with the help of an arc discharge to create an inscription on a metal plate.