Since 2023, the staff of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic, has been involved in the international educational project «Open Education Resources and Ukraine» (OER with Ukraine) under the DAAD project program «Ukraine Digital: Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis. Open Education Resources and Ukraine». The project is led by Nataliya Chukhray, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, and involves academics from the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems, the Department of Information Systems and Networks, the Department of Computer-Aided Design, the Department of Publishing Information Technologies and the Department of Virtual Reality Systems.
Together with other project implementers – academics and researchers from universities in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Dnipro – Polytechnicians prepared open educational materials that were published in the public domain on the portal of the project partner – the German National Library of Science and Technology, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.
By the end of 2024, Lviv Polytechnic faculty had posted more than 80 videos for ten courses with more than 11 thousand views. The developed video lectures have already been implemented in the educational process: in particular, they are listed as additional information resources in different disciplines (for example, for students majoring in Systems Analysis in the courses Optimisation Methods and Operations Research, Discrete Mathematics; for students majoring in Philology (Applied Linguistics) in the course Fundamentals of Computer Linguistic Technologies).
At the end of November 2024, an offline workshop and other project-based professional development activities were organised by the L3S Research Centre, the Joint Lab Data Science & Open Knowledge at the Leibniz University Hannover in cooperation with the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology (Hannover, Germany). Lviv Polytechnic National University was represented by Uliana Marikutsa, Head of the Department of Virtual Reality Systems, Mykola Lohoida, Associate Professor at the Department of Publishing Information Technologies, and Tetiana Shestakevych, Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Networks. At the meetings, the participants discussed, among other things, the current state of the project and the results of its implementation.
Among other things, the workshop participants also took part in a discussion on the prospects for the development of university journals. After the report by Maryna Nazarovets, they discussed the peculiarities of printing open access materials on the example of the IDAHO project, presented by Nataliia Kaliuzhna from the Open Science Lab, Leibniz University Hannover. Christian Hauschke spoke about the capabilities of VIVO, an open source software that is convenient for monitoring the achievements and activities of academic staff.
In addition to introducing the developed video resources into the educational process, Lviv Polytechnicians presented the project results during discussions at the Innovative Teaching Methods conference, which took place in Warsaw on 10–11 October 2024 and was organised by the Warsaw University of Technology. The project results were presented at the International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (IEEE CSIT 2024, 16–19 October 2024), as well as during a joint presentation with Nataliya Butych, Regional Coordinator of Eastern European DAAD Programs at Leibniz University Hannover, and at the Ukrainian Open Science Forum UOSF2024, held at Lviv Polytechnic National University on 21–23 November 2024.
The results of the Open Education Resources for Ukraine project, the motivation of all its participants, and the agreement of representatives of the Department of Applied Linguistics, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic, to join the project, have led to the project being extended until June 2025. It is planned that the University staff will develop and implement more than 40 more open access educational video resources in the educational process.