Lviv Polytechnicians went to Germany and participated in Ukrainian-Bavarian Higher Education Congress

Press service of Lviv Polytechnic
учасники Українсько-Баварськийого конгресу вищої освіти

Recently, Ukrainian-Bavarian Higher Education Congress took place in the historic university town Würzburg, Germany, which was attended by over one hundred representatives of universities and research institutions in Ukraine and Bavaria. They held a series of thematic discussions and rounds of bilateral talks aimed at finding and implementing joint scientific and educational projects. The Congress was organized by the local Julius Maximilian University and the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe BAYHOST with the financial support of the Bavarian Government. It was held as a part of the Ukrainian Week in Bavaria.

Lviv Polytechnic at Ukrainian-Bavarian Higher Education Congress was represented by the Director of the International «Integration» Center for Professional Partnerships of the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences Nina Haiduk, Head of Department of Employment and Industrial Relations Svitlana Hladun and Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems at the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies Nataliia Shakhovska.

The main goals of the Congress were to initiate further cooperation in research and education, to strengthen and deepen partnerships in these areas. During its work, there were presented good examples of the Ukrainian-Bavarian University Partnership, and was a presentation of leading Ukrainian Higher Institutions. By the way, a few years ago Lviv Polytechnic signed a cooperation agreement with a local university and now is successfully implementing it.

In particular, Nina Haiduk spoke about this agreement and presented the experience of cooperation between Lviv Polytechnic and the University of Würzburg in the field of inclusion for people with disabilities in education and sports. There was also demonstrated the activity of the «No Limits» Accessibility Services and prospects for the formation of a Community Health Clinic on the basis of our university.

Svitlana Hladun told about the career service for students and graduates of higher education institutions on the example of Lviv Polytechnic and German colleagues from a similar career center shared their experience of youth employment. For students of the University of Würzburg, there is a special course «Business Career» on professional development and successful employment, as it is in Lviv Polytechnic

Nataliia Shakhovska presented international activity of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems and discussed new opportunities for cooperation in this field with German colleagues and other representatives of Ukrainian universities.