The start-up meeting of the project The Universities’ Reaction to Big Obstruction: Building resilient higher education to respond and manage societal crises (TURBO) took place in a hybrid format at the Nord University in Bodø, Norway. The project is financed by the European Union within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme Capacity Building in the field of higher education Strand 2.
The main goal of TURBO is to increase the resilience, readiness and responsiveness of Ukrainian higher education institutions through developing their facilities, improving competencies and sharing experience.
Specific tasks
- To improve and develop the capacity of Ukrainian HEIs to provide more flexible educational offers that correspond to the labour market and practice in the field of business and management for faster integration into the EU education area.
- To promote the reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) into new local communities through retraining and social adaptation.
- To exchange of experience in retraining and social adaptation of IDPs in Ukraine and at the international level.
- To improve the legal framework of the Ukrainian higher education system through the recognition of microcredits as part of the practice of lifelong learning in universities.
- To promote cooperation between different actors to ensure social inclusion, increase the level of student employment and the quality of higher education during the social crisis.
The main target group is Ukrainian higher education institutions, which are united in a consortium.
In general, the consortium includes seven universities from Ukraine, the Leon Kazminsky Academy from Poland and the Nord University from Norway, as well as the Norwegian-Ukrainian and Polish-Ukrainian Chambers of Commerce. The coordinating organization on the Ukrainian side is the International Foundation for Social Adaptation.
Lviv Polytechnic National University, represented by the Department of Sociology and Social Work, the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, is also a member of the consortium.